[After Selfishness VS Selflessness Redux, Roman's side of the story]

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Roman found himself awake at two am, he sighed and tiredly made his way downstairs, he was too upset to sleep.

He was a mess, he was in his pj's and his normally tidy hair was ruffled and unkempt, it was also obvious he'd cried earlier from his somewhat puffy, red-ish eyes. He truly hoped no one else was still awake, it'd be truly embarrassing and he really didn't want to be asked wether he was 'fine'.

Truth be told he wasn't ok, quite the opposite really, but it's not like anyone actually cared, now did they? He teared up once again at the thought.

He once believed Patton actually cared and would back him up like he always had before, but the moral side had not, when Roman felt it mattered most. And Thomas, was clearly never going to listen to him.

How dare that reptilian come in and actually be heard?! Not only that, how dare Deceit compare him to Remus.. He wasn't evil! He- He wasn't!! R-Right?

How dare Thomas listen to a side he'd referred to as evil but not to Roman, "HIS HERO" for Pete's sake!

He frowned a little as he made his way to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee knowing there was no use in even trying to sleep, he was trying to be as quiet as  possible not wanting to disturb the others.

He eventually made his way back upstairs and walked into his room. He sighed upset, sat down on his bed and put on a pair of headphones, before pressing play on a random playlist on Spotify, hoping the music would distract him from his thoughts.

It only somewhat worked. His mind eventually returning to the events of the day prior, and how absolutely awful he felt.

Needles to say, he didn't get much sleep that night.

Roman's side of the story (short Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now