Chapter Ten

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From the last chapter

"What ish b-boy-fwi-friend, Hazzy? "

Shit.... Harry said it. Without telling Louis anything about it. He wanted to give Louis more time but.... guess he have to explain it now.

However, after regaining his composure Harry cleared his throat and said, " I'll tell you when we get back home, alright? "

" Okie! "

Harry quickly paid and got out of the shop. He got on his car with Louis and drove to his house. While driving, he was in deep thoughts about how to explain it to Louis. Harry didn't want him to feel pressured  or feel like the same as past. However, his thoughts were interrupted by sniffles and whimpers coming from beside him. When Harry saw Louis crying he quickly pulled over to avoid any accident and turned towards his kitten to ask him what happened. What Louis answered in between his sobs and what he saw made Harrys' blood boil in anger.

"M-meanie at shop h-hold Louis' h-hand. H-hurt much. S-so hurt! " Louis cried out.

At the shop the fucker grabbed Louis' hands so tightly that  they bruised. His dainty wrists were now completely red. Louis' skin is very sensitive, a little bit tight grip on them can make a bruise. And the bastards' grip at the shop would even form bruise on the roughest skin. Harry felt so much anger towards that dickhead that he was about to go to the police station and beat him into pulp by any means. But a small whimper from Louis snapped him out of his angry state.  Harry took Louis' soft hands in his big, protective ones and caressed the screaming red skin gently. He brought his mouth close to the hands and kissed them softly. Then he wiped away Louis' tears and rubbed his back in a soothing manner, while saying, " I'm so sorry kitten that you got hurt. I'm so sorry. I could've prevented it. I'll drive to our home quickly and get you something for your hand, okay? "

Louis sniffled and said while hugging Harry  " Okie, b-but Hazzy no be sowwy, cuz Hazzy save Louis from meanie. Louis love Hazzy  much! "

Harrys' heart melted at his little kitten's words. He is so precious!

" Okay kitten, I love you too, so much, "

After reaching home Harry quickly brought out his first aid kit. He soaked a towel with cold water and gently  wrapped Louis' arms with it.

" Kitten, can you move your wrists? It seems like they swelled a bit.  Does it hurt from inside too? " Harry asked gently.

" Yesh , Louis can  move. Hand hurt only out. " Louis responded pouting in the cutest way.

"That's good. But if it hurts from inside then tell me immediately, okay? "

" Okie, thank Hazzy for save Louis from hurt. Louis love Hazzy a lot! " the precious little bean said.

" Aww kitty, you don't need to thank me! And I love you too, a lot! " Harry felt so blessed with his kitty.

"Hazzy tell Louis now what ish boy -fwiend? " Louis looked at Harry expectantly. Yeah, he remembered very well.

Harry took a deep breath.  'Yes Harry, you can do it ' - he thought and started to explain, " When two people are in a relationship where they care about and love each other, keep each other safe, they are called boyfriends or girlfriends or both.  They also want to start a family together, have babies and live happily, "

" Louis love Hazzy, and Hazzy love Louis, Hazzy keep Louis safe and Louis keep Hazzy safe. So Louis and Hazzy boy-fwiends? " Louis looked at Harry expectantly. Harry felt like billions of butterflies were dancing in his stomach. He couldn't stop the grin that form on his face. He gently said, " Yeah, sweetie, only if you want to. So, Louis, will you be my boyfriend? "

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