Chapter 1

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This fanfic is the second installment of the Lies series. Although reading the first book, Lies #1: Panic, is not required, it is recommended to start with the first one.

This fanfic contains disturbing topics. If any of the following warnings specify one of your triggers, do not read. Reader discretion advised.

TW: Gore, panic attacks, murder, homophobia, transphobia, discussion of religion, and small usage of uncensored swearing (Joan).

This fanfic is also on the shorter side, being 52 pages long (17,951 words). Do not turn away because of this, it is still very descriptive and well written.

This fanfic is the second in the series and is centered on Patton Sanders. The following books and the first are each centered on a different side. Also note that they go backwards in chronological order. The order of when the books take place is this: #4, #3, #2, #1, #5. Keep this in mind when future books are published.

That is all. Enjoy this fanfic.


On a sunny, cloudless September day in Gainesville, Florida, there were lots of people out and about in the city. The weather was warm and bright, the sun shining and bringing joy to the humans and other creatures that were outside. In one of the many neighborhoods of this city, in a two-story house, there lived a 22-year-old man by the name of Patton Sanders.

The name Sanders had been his mother's family name. All of the relatives that he knew shared it alongside him. It was a name that Patton liked, and others did to. Whenever someone came to the help desk at the library he worked at, they would always compliment his name. This was a very happy thing for Patton, as he loved conversing with every person he came across and hearing about their day. People were such wonderful things; just as interesting if not more than the books that Patton shelved daily. Being a librarian was a job that suited the young man, for being in the midst of so many people was a reassuring thing for him.

Something he did not appreciate about the name was who some people associated it with. On some days, people would say, "Sanders? You mean like Bernie Sanders?" This got especially tiring when the person would start talking about politics with Patton. Although Patton enjoyed talking to people, he became uncomfortable when mentioning certain subjects. Politics was too controversial for him; it ripped families apart. It was best to keep his beliefs to himself and not make anyone mad. Patton didn't think it mattered that he was against the LGBTQ+ community and didn't support the people included in it. If everyone just ignored things like that, life would be so much happier and simpler. There was no need to purposefully pursue hate. It was as the Bible said; love thy neighbor. The world could sure use a lot more love all around.

The milk reached the halfway point in Patton's bowl of cereal, the corn flakes floating in the white liquid. Breakfast was the most important meal of the day, and he tried to enjoy it the best he could before going into work each morning. As he sat down in the dining room table to eat, his mother came into the kitchen. Patton looked over at her and smiled. "Morning, Mom! Y'know, I was just thinking- what if I quit my job and became a cereal killer?"

For a moment, his mother was silent. Then she let out a laugh and shook her head, "You think that one's good? How about this- how did Reese eat her cereal?"

"How?" he grinned, knowing where this was going but getting excited anyways. As she pulled out the container of eggs and put it on the counter, she winked at him, "Witherspoon." Patton giggled for a good ten seconds, beaming happily. "Where did you find that one? I thought I was the one with all the Reese Witherspoon jokes!" He sipped the last bit of milk from his bowl and put his dish in the sink. His mother shrugged, "Heard it at work. Say, aren't you going on that hike today with the library kids?"

Lies #2: FatherWhere stories live. Discover now