Chapter 12

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"Not fair, Breena! You cheated!" Conan yelled as Breena whizzed past him down the small hallway to the bedroom. Mrs. McFarlen came out of the kitchen and glared up at the 6 foot 2 boy viciously. He stopped dead in his tracks. Mrs. McFarlen smiled and found Breena and Winni laughing loudly.

"Sorry Mrs. McFarlen," Winni said as she stifled a laugh.

"What did you cheat at exactly?" she asked as she wiped her hands on her apron. For being a full pixie, she was about the same size as Breena. Her ebony and light green hair fell into her face as she crossed her arms. Mrs. McFarlen was fierce and Winni knew she could lose majorly if she had ever met her in a challenge. It was those intense green eyes that Breena had been graced with herself. Mr. McFarlen walked in wearing a large smile.

"They beat the boys at a game of football. I have seen some good players before, but Winni is great!" he said in his faint Irish brogue as he gave her a high five.

Colin, Conan's twin brother, glared at the two girls as he handed his father the soccer ball. Mr. McFarlen had made it a tradition to play traditional football (soccer) every Thanksgiving because when he came to America everyone kept talking about football on Thanksgiving... until he found out that is was American football.

Winni had been invited to spend Thanksgiving with Breena and her family. She liked the idea and was even more excited to find out her grandparents were going to be there as well. She had been hoping her mother would come out of hiding to spend it with her this year, but the letter from Pop Pop Jack said otherwise. Ever since Winni had found out about the men burning alive in that room Detective Ramos didn't want them to come out of any type of hiding. Great Aunt Isola didn't want that to happen either. She and Veronica declared that Winni should go to a safe house this holiday, which became the McFarlen's residence. The McFarlen's were excited for that to happen.They were both big fans of Winni and were so pleased that she was ever the lady Breena had said she was to them. Sam was even going to join them for the holiday. Isabella, on the other hand, had to go back to Napa.

The two adults left the teenagers alone in the room as they went to prepare for the evening's dinner. Isabella had called and wanted to video chat with them. Breena opened her laptop and smiled as Isabella came into focus.

"Well this is better than having to set up the Thanksgiving feast at school!" she said with a laugh. The girls goofed around and they discussed things other than what Winni had seen before they left school for holiday. Winni was grateful that the girls did not pester her for details. The images of that moment were too horrific to tell them. Isabella wanted to see their Thanksgiving outfits. They posed in the camera and Isabella gave her approval. Winni had searched through Breena's closet to find her the perfect outfit. Winni was not satisfied with the plain getup she had on after the soccer match.  In a matter of minutes she was creating a handkerchief skirt to go with her brown top. Winni, on the other hand, tried to choose something that was not over the top. She settled with a white tube dress with a large brown belt. As they discussed their designs for the upcoming fashion show Winni saw a shadow move behind Isabella.

"Can you tell your brother to stop snooping in on our conversation," Winni said seeing the figure walked down the hallway and pier through Isabella's door. She got up, yelled at Philip and slammed the door.

"Sorry, didn't think he knew it was you guys I was talking to." That drew up Winni's eyebrow.

"Who else have you been talking to?" Winni asked with an evil grin. Isabella's face grew red. The girls teased her until they were called down to dinner.

Winni was disappointed, at first, that she wasn't going to the Clemente's for the holiday. Then she thought about Philip and how, most likely, Claire and her father were going to be there again. The thought of it made her sick. Philip didn't stop trying to talk to her. Part of her loved the fact that he wanted her. The other half of her was still pissed off that he STILL didn't break up with Claire.

As they entered the dining room Winni jumped into her grandparents arms and hugged them so tight as they arrived in time for dinner. She almost didn't recognize them. She felt a flood of good and happy memories fill her. Pop Pop Jack brought her a gift from her mother. She opened it and found a stuffed unicorn. Winni smiled and tucked it back in the bag. Grandad kissed her forehead and gave her a gift from Aunt Isola, who strangely enough couldn't make it to this event.

"She's getting up there in age, that old coot," he said with a laugh. Mr. McFarlen gave them all a glass of whatever drink they liked. Winni opened the gift and it was another book Isola wanted her to read. She sighed and laughed.

"Tell them both thank you when you see them," she said smiling at her family. Their bright smiles made her feel all warm and fuzzy. Mrs. McFarlen called them in for the feast and she took her seat next to Gran, her arm wrapped around her shoulder.

Prior to the break away from school Winni had been bombarded with news reporters, the police and her fellow classmates for more information about the case of the murdered men. Thankfully, Daniel had been on the wire with Veronica. They both had tried to calm the storm and Daniel was her escort up to South Carolina. Winni was more upset that her brain had been public for her class to see. True, it shut down any doubt that she had total control over her gift, but it was a very exposing event. She looked over the green scan the most. She wondered if that is what Gabriel had seen over and again when they would work together.

Ramos had demanded more answers. It is not like it was hard to find them after the fire occurred. Winni shivered thinking about that moment. She could still see the horror on the men's faces. Winni knew Octavius had plenty of partners on his side, but Winni didn't know he'd had one so demonic. Winni had been sitting on the snowy chair in the backyard. It was the last day of break. Grandad smiled as he took a seat next to her. Winni leaned her head down on his shoulder.

"Your grandmother misses seeing you," he said softly. Winni wiped away a small tear away from her face. Sitting next to her grandfather made her miss her own father so much more. She had been trying to ease the wounds of his death as much as she could, but the moment she had been dragged into the new investigation her memories and dreams we flooded with those wounds.

"Hopefully, when this is all over with, we can take that trip to England. Wouldn't that be nice?" he asked more like he knew it would be ending soon. Winni disagreed. She knew that if they didn't find Octavius that there would be no end. This would continue and more people would be getting hurt or killed because of her. She closed the newspaper that had a header about the dead men and how viscous Octavius had become by using this woman.

The two walked back into the house arm in arm. She gave a hug and a kiss to her grandparents as they got ready to leave. The next morning a limo pulled up for Winni and her friends. She said good-bye to the McFarlen's and they gathered together in the limo. To Winni's shock, they weren't the only ones in the car. A leggy brunette sat on the other side of the limo.Winni went over and hugged her mother tightly. She had missed her so desperately. More tears fell down her cheeks.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in shock. Breena and Sam welcomed Sofia with more hugs. "I am your escort back to school. I know it's dangerous and foolish, but I miss my little girl." Winni, wrapped up in her mother's arms, closed her eyes and finally got some sleep.

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