Chapter Two | Cinderella

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(thanks to @Goddess_of_strength and @oceanandmochi for giving me a nudge to write another chapter. I don't know you guys well, but I am so grateful that you reminded me that this story existed.)

((also @sbmerchant and @Gray1209 get your glorious butts in here I need you to be my beta readers again XD))

(((In the meantime, y'all should check out some of my other works-in-progress, and see if there is anything that interests you, or that you want me to continue writing. Thanks, loves.)))

Marlene waved goodbye to Catherine as she left to head home to her family. Marlene Mason didn't come from a family as wealthy or influential as Catherine's, but she came from a much happier home, and Catherine envied her for it.

Catherine sighed as she walked back into the boutique, fitting a large red ballgown onto one of the mannequins in the display window. She lay the hoop skirt down gently, frowning when she saw that the wiring towards the bottom had gotten a bit tangled.

As she fiddled delicately with the wiring, a sharp knock resounded on the window. Catherine exhaled sharply in frustration, before going to address the girl who stood outside.

She was blonde- her hair the color of the sun. Catherine's gaze travelled the girl's worried face, and she nodded, letting the girl into the shop.

"I'm terribly sorry- am I intruding? Oh, I certainly hope not. I was only wondering if you could help me with a few dresses," the girl immediately began rambling in an embarassed frenzy, shaking her hands a bit. Her voice wavered ever so slightly, earning a small laugh from Catherine.

The girl paused her panicked chatter when she noticed Catherine watching her calmly, leaning against the windowsill.

"Take a breath, love," Catherine spoke, a hint of amusement hiding in the redness of her cheeks. The blonde girl looked a bit flustered, but she complied before speaking again.

"Good afternoon," she said, a broad grin threatening to crack the professionalism the girl was quite obviously attempting to convey. "Is there any way that you can have three gowns done by tomorrow evening?"

Catherine looked taken aback. Three gowns in one evening? She could do it, she knew she could, but she also knew that she would be in the shop a bit later than initially anticipated.

She fixed her easy grin back onto her face and nodded. She beckoned the girl into the back room, which held the fabrics and decor necessary for said gowns. The girl looked around the storeroom with wide eyes, a small smile on her face and a curious glint in her eye.

Catherine chuckled, "Have you never seen a storage room before?"

"Of course I have. Just not one as lovely as this. Not in a long time, anyways," the girl sighed a bit, her eyes falling slightly.

Catherine licked her lips, furrowing her brows thoughtfully, "Well, who are the dresses for?"

"My stepmother and stepsisters. They send me out on errands every so often," she replied, her eyes gazing steadily at a thimble on the edge of the table like it was the most fascinating thing she's ever seen.

Catherine leaned forwards, clasping her hands on her lap in the most unlady-like manner possible, making the girl giggle. She smacked her lips, and then tilted her head. 

"What's your name?" she asked simply.

"Never mind that," the blonde girl stated, looking ashamedly towards the floor.

Catherine rolled her eyes, "Look, miss. I don't know who you are. I don't know what kind of life you live. I've never even seen you in here before. But no matter the extent or variant of your troubles-  this back room, with me, is your safe place."

The blonde looked at Catherine with wide eyes, her somber expression fading into one of shock and delight.

"Thank you," she breathed, her eyes closing and a small smile appearing. She opened them and gazed around again as if she were in a whole other universe.

Catherine's eyes held soft sympathy as she grabbed the girl's hand, "Seems like you've got it pretty rough."

The girl shrugged slowly, "I'm sure other's have it much worse." She twiddled with her hands, looking up at Catherine in surprise when she rolled her eyes, stood, and went to brush though her rolls of fabric.

"You don't have to be so modest here, you know. Contrary to your belief, I quite understand what it's like to have siblings that give you grief every hour of the day. Of course, probably not as horrible as your stepsisters seem to be."

"How did you know it was my step-"

"You flinched when you mentioned them," Catherine cut her off plainly, giving her a small smile. "Would you just tell me your name? That way we can get on to being friends and I can invite you to stay longer."

Silence followed her statement, and Catherine sighed audibly. She walked further into the room to grab a small chest that was filled with all sorts of gems, jewels, and decorative ornaments for the dresses she was making.

She walked back to the table where the blonde woman sat, and she began rummaging through the drawers to see what options she had for the gowns.

"Ella," the girl spoke up softly.

Catherine's head snapped up at the sound of her voice, "Pardon?"

"My name is Ella," she said a bit louder. Catherine broke into a dazzling grin, and swept low into an exaggerated bow. Ella copied, and they laughed.

"Pleasure to meat you, Ella. I'm Catherine."

Ella stood up and handed Catherine a small slip of paper. It crinkled loudly as she unfolded it, and she snorted as she read the contents.

"Is that frivolity or snobbiness that I smell?" she looked cheekily at Ella, who in turn shrugged.

"I haven't the slightest," she sniffed, her eyes crinkling with the smile that made its way to her face. Catherine wrinkled her nose, and exhaled humorously, before grabbing Ella's arm and pulling her to the fabric display.

"What are we doing?" Ella asked, her tinkling laugh echoing off of there back wall.

"Well I'm certainly not letting you laze around the shop. I'll give you a portion of the pay if you help me with these dresses. Besides, I don't get much company here,"Catherine said, tossing a small roll of bright pink ribbon at Ella.

Ella caught it, and smiled brightly, "It sounds lovely."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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