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First attempt at writing fanfiction,
Let me know what you think.
Hope you enjoy reading <3

it was eight in the night and darkening outside. a shrill ring of doorbell woke up jimin from his reverie. he got up from the couch, thinking who it might be at his doorstep at this hour. as he reached the front door he peeked from the eyehole, confused as he saw yoongi waiting there impatiently. yoongi's eyes widened as the door swung open, revealing jimin. still contemplating on what to say he cleared his throat and set his face to his regular stoic expression. hesitantly jimin asked "hyung, what are you doing here at this time?". jimin observed as a flick of despair flashed on his face just for a second as he said, " are you not gonna ask me to come in?", with a dense tone. " yeah- no, no- come in, hyung" jimin uttered, embarrassed.

the awkwardness was hanging thick in the air as they walked in to the living room. "have you had dinner yet?" jimin asked, scratching his nape awkwardly. yoongi met his gaze and stopped for a moment as if he was thinking something deeply. "umm hyung?" called jimin with a little shrug. " huh?" yoongi said just as if he was just woken up, "what?". jimin chuckled a little at his peculiar behaviour "i asked if you have eaten yet?". " oh! no, i haven't" he replied casually. " i have some leftovers from my dinner, would you like to have it? it's the pasta that you really like." jimin muttered the last part in a hushed tone, looking questioningly at the elder. " yeah sure" he responded with a slight smile.

without saying another word jimin went in the direction of the kitchen, beckoning the other to follow him. he grabbed a container from his fridge and popped it in the microwave, setting the heat time. jimin was leaning on the kitchen counter thinking about something to break the silence with and yoongi was just glancing around nervously. " do you want some juice?" jimin said, just as to say something. "no, water is fine." yoongi replied, as a beep was heard going off in the kitchen. the younger grabbed a glass and filled it with water, later he grabbed a plate and took the hot food out to serve it. he placed both the utensils in front of yoongi who sat at one of the dinning chairs. he plopped down on the chair across him.

jimin just sat there nervously tugging at the hem of his sweater. " so how have you been, jiminie?" yoongi implored carefully. jimin jumped a little at the sudden question. not that the question is out of ordinary but the dynamics have changed greatly between them, so it almost seemed worried. jimin pursed his lips, not knowing what to say. he really didnt know how he was, he was just trying to contain his emotions since the day he blurted out his feelings for his hyung. he has been unsettled because everything has changed after that. he has been friends with yoongi since the middle school, they enjoyed each others' company, they lived in the same neighbourhood and everything they have been through together just brought them closer. he admired the elder since day one, as he was very heroic, saving him from the bullies and taking him home safely. if a person were to be home, for him, it definitely was his yoonie hyung.

jimin always wanted to be with him. he was always there for him, when yoongi's home situation was crashing he was there to comfort him, when his mom passed away jimin was there for him, no matter how hard the times got he was always there to make it bearable. he made yoongi realise how important his dreams were and encouraged him to go for it, every oppportunity he got. but what happened? what made yoongi so distant suddenly? jimin would never know. their meet-ups decreased and there frankness around each other just faded away.

on yoongi's birthday once, jimin was invited to have a dinner with him. he spent all day searching for the precious little kumamon stuffie that his hyung would love to have in his studio. finally the evening arrived, jimin was ready in his favourite cardigan waiting on the porch, as yoongi was going to pick him up. he was anticipating this for a while, at last he was getting to spend some time with his dear friend.

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