Part uno

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Hello my name is penis
I'm go to the school that's under my uncles roof
                         My mom is a dildo
             My dad is a dick rider
Anyways I was in class and I saw the one and only mattia polybird step innnn lemme tell you he was hotttt asf
He introduced himself
Than mr.bootycheeks told him to sit next to me and I was like stupid motherfucker whyyyyy ahhhh
He sat next to me and said what's you name and I said penis and he said oh umm cool after that class we went to dick riding class and I saw mattia bouncing on a dildo and that made my dick wettttt I went up to him and put on my fake pussay mask on my dick and I started riding the dildo he looked at my kitty and said damn under his breath

Ok anyways I feel special writing this
neptunexcultt Here you go

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