Dream Come True

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Y/N hefts another board into place, positioning it over the frame of the new hut and pushing it tightly against the plank beside it to close the gap between them; then she lifts her hammer, and with a few sharp strokes she drives a nail through the wood to hold it in place.

She steps back, slowly removing her hand from the plank and making sure it holds, then when she's satisfied it's firmly attached to the frame she turns to grab another plank. "GAHH!" she screams as she finds herself nose to nose with one of her fellow Builders and she stumbles back, waving her hammer wildly and tripping over multiple piles of wood in the process.

The boy bursts out laughing as Y/N loses her balance, sprawling full length on the damp grass and groaning as all the air is expelled from her lungs in one explosive gasp. "Don't shucking do that Gally!" She yells when she's regained her breath, and he grins, lending her a hand and helping her to her feet. "Sorry Y/N, but I just couldn't resist; you're too easy to sneak up on!"

"That doesn't mean you have to take advantage of it!"

"But would I be a proper older brother if I didn't?" He queries, spreading his hands to either side as if asking an invisible crowd, and Y/N shakes her head in mock disbelief. "You'd think being the only girl here I'd get some sort of respect".

"Now why would you think a thing like that?" Gally asks, and Y/N punches his arm, "Honestly, boys are such shanks".

"Even Minho?" Gally asks, a sly grin on his face and Y/N instantly blushes a deep red, "I swear shuckface" she threatens, jokingly thrusting her hammer close to Gally's face. "If you don't drop that topic right now I will brain you with my hammer".

"But it's my hammer!" Gally protests and
Y/N rolled her eyes, "Is that the only thing you took out of that sentence?" She asks, and Gally considers for a moment, then nods and Y/N laughs, "Well I can see why you were made a builder, you certainly have the brains of one".

"Is that why you were made one too?" He asks, and Y/N opens her mouth to reply, then thinks better of it. "Shut up" she mutters, and Gally laughs, delighted to have won one of their verbal battles, "Gladly".


Y/N sings as she works. She can never do anything quietly, always humming, whistling, or singing some sort of tune, and today it's a song that came to her just the day before. It had been hanging around the edge of her mind for days, just out of reach and retreating every time she tried to focus on it; but then while she had been distracted by her work the lyrics had come to her, and now they're stuck in her head.

**If you love someone
If you love someone
Wake up in the morning, take a breath and let it out

Just forget tomorrow's ever gonna come around
Everybody's medicating taking time and waiting for the right time
In the short life, but it's your life**

The Builders look over at Y/N who's singing her heart out and grin; they always enjoy it when Y/N loses herself in her work because shes completely confident in herself and nothing anyone can say can affect her good mood.

**We can run around in circles we make
Or we could run straight ahead
Never ever let the moment pass by
When all that matters in the end

If you love someone, then tell them right now
'Cause your heart won't rest 'till you let it out
Let the words you dream come out of your mouth
If you love someone
You gotta make a sound
If you love someone
You gotta make a sound
If you love someone**

Y/N glances over her shoulder and sees everyone from all corners of the Glade staring at her, and she flashes them a smile, spinning around and scooping a piece of wood off the ground, bringing it up to her mouth like a microphone as she sings.

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