Chapter 8

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When I entered French class the next day, I found Eric hunched over a battered copy of the fantasy novel Maskerade. His gaze shot up once he heard the clickety-clack of my low heels, his eyes almost glowing under the harsh fluorescent light.

His hope vanished the moment he noticed my glum expression.

"What did they say?" he asked me in French without preamble.

I shook my head. "No way in hell."

"Would it help if I talked to them?" he asked with a concerned look.

"Nope, I'm pretty sure that would make things worse," I said in English.

"Why are they so against it?" he asked. "You've tutored other students."

"They're freaked out about your gender."

He raised a brow like Spock, a personal quirk I found endearing.

"They think every man is out to rape me," I said with a cynical laugh. "Never mind the fact that I don't date guys. Since they're after one thing only, they don't express interest in me either."

"You don't date?"

"Not at all."

He paused for a beat. "Interesting."


"I thought I was the only one," he whispered in the softest whisper.

He's celibate? Like me?

Oh, my God! That's amazing!

I answered him in an equally hushed tone. "You mean you don't date any—"


"Not at all?"

"Don't you start." He sighed. "You know how annoying that is."

I slunk in my chair. "Sorry, I thought I was the only one too."

"Nope, lots of people are asexual."

"Asexual?" I grimaced. "Wait, what?"

Eric balked. "You don't date, right?"


Where is this going?

"Because you're not interested in—" He paused. "The things most people want."


"'re asexual, right?"

"I can't—! I don't—! What?!" I asked, my chest constricting. "Are you making fun of me?"

"Making—?" He shook his head. "No, asexual means you don't feel sexual attraction."

I crossed my arms. "I feel attraction. All the time. I'm celibate."

Liar. Cheat. Fraud.

His cheeks turned a furious shade of crimson. "My mistake. You led me to believe—"

"I've developed a perfectly normal sexuality," I said in a defensive tone, my heart thudding in panic. All my life I'd dreaded this conversation. Especially with a guy I liked. "I'm a girl, and I like guys." I gave an awkward chuckle. "Doesn't get much more typical than that, right?"



"Never thought I'd have to say this," muttered Eric, "but every word of your statement was wrong."

Unlike my verbal mishap with Bryan, I couldn't simply run to the cafeteria.

"How so?" I sunk into my chair, wishing I could disappear. "You're either straight, gay, or bi. So, I'm straight."

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