Hercai Part 11 (second last part)

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Hi guys before you get on to read the rest of the story I have something to say. This past 1 and a half month I was so busy and I tried to wright more parts for the story but I was so busy that I couldn't publish anything, I felt very bad for making all the people that love my fan fiction wait. But now I am back on track. Thank you for your patience and enjoy. 😉

After the hospital they reached home and went to their room. They stayed home for the rest of the day and Miran was trying to make a surprise for his pregnant wife. It was very hard for him to hide it from her because she kept on going to him. She finally fell a sleep and Miran then planned his surprise.

Miran woke up with Reyyan by his side. He quickly went to his closet and packed a few outfits for the two of them. He then got ready himself and went down to ask Esma anne for breakfast. When he came back Reyyan was still asleep, so he went to her side of the bed and started to do his daily routine which was watching her sleep. He kissed her nose and that was what woke up Reyyan.
"Gunaydin" she took a look at him and saw him dressed.
"Where are you going? Miran."
"Come on, get up get ready."
He helped her get up the bed ignoring her question.
"Miran where are you going, are you taking me with you?"
"Don't ask any questions, get ready and I'll be waiting for you up on roof for our breakfast."
"What? Breakfast on the roof?"
"Why are you so surprised?"
"Offf... Miran"
She was smiling because she knew Miran was up to something.
He kissed her nose once again and left the room with the bag that he packed for the two of them.
"Deli, I wonder what this crazy man is planning today."
She looked around to see if he left any clues, but looked around in vain. She went to the closet and saw that some of her clothes were missing.
He didn't come. She just looked for some clothes to wear and noticed the red dress that he gave her when he kidnapped her and took her to Urfa last year. She smiled and picked that out.

Reyyan went up to the roof and saw Miran looking down from the balcony. She also saw a very cute breakfast on the coffee table. She walked over to him.
He looked at her and saw her wearing the red dress. He studied her for a second but noticed that this time it looked tighter on her than last time, he knew that Reyyan has flat stomach, but this time she wore it he noticed that there was a tiny bump on her belly. He had a big smile on his face because he knew the reason why she looked like she gained weight. She still looked like the most beautiful woman in his eyes.
"Miran, why are you laughing?"
"Because you look so beautiful."
She smiled. Miran grabbed her hand and took her to the table and sat her down on the chair and sat beside her.
"The breakfast looks really good, I'm very hungry."
"I knew you would be hungry, that's why I told Esma anne to bring your favourite fruit."
"Hawthorn! Thank you."
She raised her hand and brushed his face.
Miran did not forgot about her tiny bump that formed on her stomach. Reyyan started to eat and Miran slowly put his hand on her belly.
Reyyan smiled and turned to him.
"Ne yapıyorsun? Come on eat."
"I'm taking care of my child"
Reyyan tried but she could not do anything about it, so she just pretended like his hand was not there and she started to eat, she was too hungry to argue with Miran. Miran laughed and was just staring at her the whole time.
Once she finished eating Miran quickly ate his food.
He got up and pulled Reyyan by her arm.
"Ya Miran, be careful, did you forget about it?"
She looked down to her tummy.
"Oh yeah, sorry karicim, I got too excited for today's plan."
"Miran wait let me clean the table up"
"Let it be Esma anne will do it."
He pulled her again but this time with her waist. They were very close.
"Today is just our day, me, and yours. I won't allow anybody to ruin it, not even you."
She continued looking in his eyes and smiled.

They went to the car where Miran had already put their bag in the trunk of the car. He put Reyyan in her seat as if she was the only woman in the world and quickly went to his seat.
"Miran, can you tell me where we're going?"
"Why don't you guess."
"I don't know, just say it."
"Your not saying anything."
"Yes Urfa. I figured last time we went not all of our memories together where what I want them to be remembered as, so I decided that we'll go there and make new memories that we'll want to remember over and over again. I don't want to be without you or unhappy with for even a small moment."
She laughed.
He gave her a kiss.


On the road
"Do you know why we didn't go with our own car and why we used a taxi?"
"Because I wanted to hold my wife and child in my arms, so that I know that they are both safe and sound. It's a three hour drive till Urfa, and you know well that I can't be far away from feeling you close to me more than five minutes."
"Hmm, you complain too much. How do you do when you go to work?"
He laughed and had a smirk on his face at the same time.
"You know what I mean karıcım."
"Miran why do I have to ask you all the time, why are you like this?"
The car stopped so fast. It felt as if they hit another car.
"Korkma, korkma! What kind of driver are you, you hit the other car."
Nothing happened to anyone but Reyyan got very scared she started to breath deeply.
"Reyyan, Reyyan iyim misin huh?"
She nodded.
"I'm fine, I just got scared something happened."
"Don't worry nothing happened. Stay in the car okay?"
She nodded again.
Miran and the driver got out of the car. Reyyan stayed behind and saw the police come. The driver hit the car very badly that the other car was ruined and so was the driver of the other car. Their driver was taken to the police station so Miran and Reyyan were left on the streets with only their bag of clothes and a water bottle.
"Reyyan. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine Miran but what are we going to do? How are we going to get to Urfa?"
"Calm down, we'll get there, I'll look for a car."

Miran was looking for a car he tried calling for a taxi but had no signal.
"I don't have any signal, maybe we can ask somebody that passes by with a car."
"But there are no cars Miran, it's literally a empty street with just us."
"We'll wait."
Reyyan was getting tired from standing for a long time.
"Look Reyyan, there's a car coming."
It looked like a big truck. When it came closer Miran was waving and yelling for the car to stop. It was a garbage truck but there was still seats for Reyyan and Miran. Reyyan saw that and she felt disgusted, she felt like she needed to throw up from the smell.
"Miran that's a garbage truck, we can't sit there."
"It's not like we're sitting with the garbage, we're going to sit in the front."
"Olmaz Miran, we can't sit there."
"Reyyan stop acting like a child and get in the car, look how nice the man is he is offering to take us to the bus station."
They continued arguing as the truck driver was getting confused.
"I'm sorry Miran but if you want you can sit and go to Urfa by this truck, I won't go. Excuse me I'm sorry for making you stop in vain, but you can carry on. Thank you for your concern."
Reyyan felt dizzy from the garbage smell and ran to the side of the street as the truck left. She threw up. Miran ran after her with guilt.
"Reyyan, are you okay."
"Does it look like I'm okay, your leaving me with no choice, you just say sit in this disgusting car and throw up while your there. It's okay you can feel bad but atleased we'll get to the bus station, right Miran?"
Reyyan was getting furious as she was trying to get back to her senses.
"Reyyan I'm sorry, I forgot that you feel this way. You know that I would never make you feel uncomfortable. I'm new to becoming a father."
Reyyan felt embarrassed for saying all that to Miran.
"It's okay don't be sorry. It's pregnancy mood swings right?" He tried to make her laugh.
"Stop Miran." She pushed him slightly in a shy way.
Miran got some water from the bag and gave it to Reyyan.
"Are you feeling better?"
She nodded and then hugged Miran.
"Miran what are we going to do now?"
"We'll wait for another car to come."
Miran looked back at Reyyan.
"And I promise that I won't make you feel bad any more."

Sorry guys I took a long time off Wattpad that is due to my very busy schedule but finally I'm back.

What do you guys think will happen in the end of this story?

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