the birds. (bird box monster.)

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Hi! I'm gonna put myself to the test with this! It's gonna be hard in some ways but easy in others. This is to train in areas and review others. I hope you enjoy ask if any of you want this to get its own book!

Y/n was 17 when it happened. He didn't go outside much and has severe depression. He was going out for food in his neighborhood gas station. He walks in and waves at the female cashier. She giggles and waves back. He wears his hoodie pants and his house slippers. He gets a sandwich and soda. he sits down at the small dining area and eats.

He waves goodbye and leaves. He puts his hood on as he walks, little does he know this saves him. Something unseen by him stares at him. He hears a whisper" hi. You're cute. I like you." He turns to it and it evades. Others saw it. They begin commiting suicide. It instantly becomes chaos. He spins around while it barely keeps out of his sight. "Kid! Close your eyes!" Shouts a man running up. He does as told. The man wears a business suite. He looks at it. "Holy shit. how did you cause all of this?" "Why aren't you dead?" "No damn clue. You look fucking awesome though." "You're insane aren't you?" "Yup. I'll do anything for those I love." "Protect him." "I don't take orders, sorry." "What? How are you immune?" "I'm way to fucked up to control. If he's a good person I'll protect him, deal?" "Deal!"

The man takes him to a house. It's a small group of survivors. He wears a pair of sunglasses. "So we've got a kid, a G man, a damn old fuck and a Karen." Says another man wearing his PJs. Another woman runs in. She is about 19. She wears a hoodie and looks a lot like y/n in terms of clothes. She has long black hair and is white. She's very fit. "Scratch that two kids." The man Is fat. The old man speaks up. "I'm John." "Jason." "Kate." "Karen." The other man speaks up. "Jackson." "Y/n. What next?" Jason speaks up. "We need to close the windows and lock the doors. We don't know anything about it. We have to be careful. What all do you have?" They listen and board the windows.

Jackson pushes Jason. "What the fuck did you assholes make?!" "I didn't make it. If the government made it then they'll deploy something to get it. If they don't the international governments will declare war." "How many are out there?!" " I don't know. I'm a PI." "Everyone calm down. I'll get some tea. We have to keep our heads figuratively to keep them physically." Interrupts John.

The team sits around the coffee table drinking tea. "It's green calming mix tea. Now what is our plan?" "Y/n and I had an encounter with it. I don't know how I'm alive. I can't remember what it looks like. It told me to protect y/n. I said if he's a good person I will. Y/n what did you hear? I know you didn't see it." "I-i don't remember.... Exactly I remember it said it likes me." Jack picks him up and slams him against the wall. "Lier! What did you do?! Tell us what you know?!" On instinct Jason jumps up and punches him in the jaw. "Don't touch him!" He shouts.

The sun the peeked through the paper covering and curtains over the boards is blocked out. They all look towards it. "Oh shit." Says Karen. "God?" She asks kneeling to it. "That's not God. They're much different. They're shiner and Emirates light from their eyes and mouth. This casts a shadow. I've died three times and have been to hell, purgatory and heaven. I haven't seen that anywhere. I have no idea if it's an angel or a demon. All I know is that it isn't human." "Don't force your opinions on us,l!" Shouts Karen whipping around.

"We're gonna run out of food eventually. There's a gas station near by. We'll raid there before finding out a stable food source. Isn't there a school for the blind out in the woods?" "Yeah." "How can we trust you?" "Decide how to monitor me. I'll prove myself by leading you all down to the gas station." They all hesitate. "That's all we have."

They are all ties together by the waist. He leads them to the gas station. He covers the windows and they raid it. "Just a few hours ago I was eating breakfast at this table, now I'm raising it to survive. Why? It's all my fault!" The shadow covers the shades again.

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