The Haunting

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What's going on? Where am I?

Layla, my witchling. My beautiful bride.


I woke up panting, out of breath. Sweating a puddle, I look around the room. It was the middle of the night. The only sounds I hear are the staff walking around the halls or having a conversation. That's right...I stayed overnight to watch over my love. I got up from the chair and tiptoe towards Sebastian as quietly as possible. I gently place my hand on his forehead. His fever has gone down. That's a really good sign. If my blood is as powerful as Nicolae said, my werewolf should fully recover by sunrise.

I gently place a kiss on Sebastian's lips. He stirs only a bit before mumbling something. All I heard was my name. If he was having a nightmare, he would have been in much greater distress. Perhaps he is dreaming of me? If that's the case, I  wonder what we are doing together in this dream? I blushed, thinking about all the possibilities. I didn't think I ever believe in love again until this wonderful man came into my life. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Our love was growing stronger each day. Images of traveling the world together, protecting each other, enjoying each other's company. Simple things like cooking together, going out on dates, reading and telling stories on our respective fields and adventure. I can see us fighting against those that disapprove of our love. For this man, I am willing to sail through the storm, climb the tallest mountains, take a bullet to the head, or a knife through the heart if it meant that I could stay with him. I never thought I could feel so alive. My life is starting to have a purpose again. I rather die today in the arms of my companion, my lover than to live without him.

"That's what you think now, my dear. Soon, you will realize fate cannot be so easily escaped."

"Who's there?" I said, frozen at the bedside.

"My lady. Do not fret. Only you can hear me. I will not disturb the rest of the humans in this hospital. I am not here to disturb the werewolf either."


"First, you haunt my dreams. Now you haunt my conscious. Leave, and never return, Mors. I will never marry you." I whispered as quietly as possible so I wouldn't alert anyone.

"Darling witchling, you cannot escape your fate. Delaying the inevitable will only do more harm to those around you. This werewolf is one example of many. I could snatch his soul at any moment I please. Don't think the vampire brothers will come to your aid. Their strength is futile compared to mine. I have each of their souls already. I could easily use their souls against them. So tell me, my dear. Do you really think you have a choice? Do you still think you can change your fate?"

I began to lose faith in my future. With death constantly around the corner, I didn't understand why I kept thinking I could be with Sebastian for the rest of my life. Because I love him...My heart pounded harder. I love him. And with our love, I know I can overcome this!

"This is my life, Mors. I do have a choice, and if it meant fighting against you for the rest of my life, then so be it. I am no longer afraid of you."

There was silence for a moment. I thought Mors had left me alone. Instead, a gust of wind blew in the center of the room. Time suddenly stop, halting all conversations and movement outside. I quickly got up and look at Sebastian. He was as still as a statue. His heart monitor froze in place. I walked towards the door and peek through the crack. Every nurse, doctor, technicians, and other staff members were frozen in place. Papers that were accidentally dropped became still in mid-air. Pens, gauze, butterfly needles, even coffee cups that seem like they were supposed to fall or spill from various clumsy staff members all froze in mid-air.

"My lady, it is quite rude to stare at others in such a state."

I whirled around instantly. Mors was standing right in front of me. In place of his typical skeletal, he appeared to me has a tall, handsome gentleman with hazel eyes and wearing a suit that complements his dark hair. He was standing right beside Sebastian while twirling a dagger in his hand.

"Mors, don't you dare!" I shouted.

"Dare what, my lady?" he said with a twisted smile, "Kill him? Nay. It is not his time...yet. But his time will only depend on you, as well as the others."

"What do you mean?"

"The more you deny fate, the more your loved ones suffer. Your werewolf, the vampire brothers. Even that witchling you attend classes with. She is weak in comparison to you, and I am more powerful than every creature on this planet. I am Death. I rule over those that had passed. I am never alive in the first place. You cannot defeat something that never had a true physical form. I can easily kill them all, but if you come with me, they will all be spared."

"No. I know you're lying. There is a way to change my destiny, and I will find it! My mother would never deceive me, unlike you. I have reasons to live now. I will never let someone like you take that away from me."

"Perhaps if I increase my offer, you would be more willing to accept my proposal."

"The answer is-"

"Hold on, my dear. Before you decline, you ought to listen to my offer. I am more than just leading the dead or harvesting souls. I can release these souls back to earth and revive their physical forms. I will even revive your mother, sister, and the people you knew from Shining Lylic. I can make everything happen if you would accept my proposal in marriage."

He was no longer speaking with malice in his eyes. He was looking at me longing with a gentle smile. He puts the knife away and starting walking towards me.

"For centuries upon centuries, since the beginning of time, I watched as the world thrive, then fell apart in various endless cycles. Your ancestors made a contract with me: to serve me by keeping the balance between life and death. I allow them to heal those that I say can be healed and they let me take those whose time has come."

He stood in front of me with such a look in his eyes. He gently tilts my head to meet his eyes. There was something in his eyes that mesmerize me. He looks...desperate...lonely...

"I watched over your entire bloodline, and with each generation, I have searched for a companion. As lovely as your ancestors have been, none fit the woman I desire. None...until I met you. When you were born, there was such power in you that could...let's just say, change things. With a little training, I knew you could have easily become the Queen of the Dead."

"Mors, I think you had made a mistake. I was only a child. And I grew up not believing in magic, despite of everything my mother said. I barely trained in magic. I am nothing in the image you describe."

"I remember the many times when your hubris refused to see the truth of magic, despite the proof your mother discreetly revealed, there was something about you that intrigued me. Even I thought to myself, 'How could one with Medicus blood be so spiteful against her heritage? To deny magic, but still believed it in your subconscious, it was quite particular. Perhaps if you took your training with your mother more seriously, maybe...just maybe you could have changed your fate..."


"Mors," I said, pulling away, "Please, don't. I don't love you. That is why I must reject you."

He frowned and said, "I suggest you think about the offer first before declining me. I am not always a violent creature and prefer to harvest souls when Vita allows it. It would be easier instead of going against her will..."

Mors cut himself off before saying any more. Vita? Who is she?

"It seems as though sunrise is approaching," said Mors, "I will release you back into the world. All you see starting last night was only an illusion I embedded in your dreams. Once you wake up, you will realize the reality of the situation with your lover."

I froze. "Wh--what do you mean?"

Mors smile. "You will find out soon enough. Once you do, I suggest reconsidering my proposal."

With that, the world around me fades, leaving both fretful and confused at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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