1 - Welcome!

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GO: Welcome, everyone, to Inanimate Insanity Ask or Dare!

Suitcase: haven't we been through enough-

GO: This isn't designed to actively make the reader feel bad for reading the book.

Suitcase: I-okay-???-

GO: so anyway, we already got an ask/dare today!

GO: so anyway, we already got an ask/dare today!

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Nickel: do we really have to bow down to her?!

GO: uh-huh!

Mic: waifu...? I'm...?

GO: you also have to hug them!

Mic: wha- you think I wanna hug someone who's talking like tha-

GO: nO, but it's the rules. U gotta.

Mic: o-kay,,, -hugs Scarykawaiigirl-

Suitcase: see-

-the sound of an object tripping comes from behind Glass Orb-

GO: oh-! This is Guacci Beary! He's my old objectsona's NON-CANNON child with sOneONE hEre- actually they're not here but-

GO: oh-! This is Guacci Beary! He's my old objectsona's NON-CANNON child with sOneONE hEre- actually they're not here but-

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GO: and he's wearing bowtie just like his mom!

Mic: WHAT-?!

Everyone gives mic a weird look.

Mic: I mean.. what? It's a child with someone.. here? Heheh....

Nickel: I mean, that is pretty weird..

GB: What

GB: my mom is-

GO: n o

GO: Alrihh th t, now everyone just bow down to mic and the next dare shall comence!!! Ew spelling

Everyone, (pretty reluctantly) bowed down to mic. Mic found it very awkward.



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Knife: ...eh. I don't have that much of a problem with her..

Everyone is confused by his passive-agressiveness/sarcasm.

GO: Anyway, that's it for this chapter! Now go do something worth ur t i m e

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