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Two days had past since Quinn and Garfield had their fight. 

They didn't talk about it but they had made up... sort of. They made up without using words. They simply pretended it never happened.

The pair had never argued like that before. Sure they would bicker every now and then but that's all it was, bickering. They had never yelled at each other the way they did that night.

This time there was meaning behind every word. Things coming to the surface that they didn't even realized bothered them. Jealousy from Gar's end, heartbreak from Quinn's. 

And when Jason finally arrived back and Quinn was checking on him practically every five minutes, Gar's jealousy only grew and he wondered if he and Quinn would ever work out.

Everyone was gathered in the kitchen, all waiting on the news Dick claimed he had to share. It was tense, as if everyone had been expecting it from the man, but now it was finally happening. It was finally real.

"I lied," he began by saying. "I lied to you guys because I was afraid you'd leave this place... and me. If that happened there'd be no Titans," he looked at the younger members while he spoke. "And I lied to you, too," he now looked at the older Titans, "I told you that Jericho was dead when I got to the church. He wasn't, he was alive... He died trying to save me from his father. I'm sorry... you all deserve more".

There was a heavy silence. Everyone allowing the news to settle in. So many emotions flying around the room and none of them good. Hank leaned forward, looking as if he was fighting a conflict in his head. Then he glanced up at Dick, standing to his feet. He approached the man, stopping still for a moment before swinging and hitting him with such force it caused everyone in the room to flinch.

"You lying sack of shit," he grumbled, Dawn instantly reaching and pulling him back. Quinn grimaced at the sight of blood pouring from Dick's nose. 

"How many fucking half truths have you told us?" Donna spat bitterly. 

"At least you got a half truth," Rachel's voice caught Quinn's attention, her voice barely above a whisper.

"My brothers dead because of you," Rose spoke through gritted teeth. "I'm out," she stood up, exiting the room. 

"I'm going with her," Jason said without a second thought. 

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