Chapter 11: Kisses and Teases

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Ok people 

so i looked at the comments on which boy won to be with her....

here were the scores:

Harry= 4

Louis= 3

Zayn= 4

Liam= 3

All of them= 8

and it turns out, she'll end up with all of them :) so excited to do it!!!


Angel's POV

i closed my eyes and driffed into my thoughts when i snapped my eyes open again.

i jsut remembered...

i have

a detention

with Louis....

i groaned with frustration

i stood up and walked towards my class room.

i twisted the door knob and opened the class room revealing Louis sitting on one of the desks strumming a guitar.

he looked concerntrated

i was watching him for a few minutes until i accidentally shut the door really loud.

he's head snapped towards my direction.

he looked up and smiled.

he put the guitar down "I've been waiting for you."

i was quite nervous but i calmed down quickly.  i walked towards the board and grabbed the duster then started wiping off the writing from the previous class.

i heard his steps getting closer and closer


i felt arms wrapped around my waist and a chin resting on my shoulder.

i could feel his breathing near my ear.

"What are we gonna do?" he whispered huskily 

it sent shivers down my spine.

"We- were g-gonna just stay here f-for an h-hour.." damn why am i suttering?!

he chuckled

and wrapped his arms tighted around my waist

and whispered again "But i got something better in mind Angel."

i could feel him smirk

the way he said my name sound so right. the same feeling from Harry and the other 3

whats with these tempting boys!?!

i snapped out of my thoughts when i gasped

he nibbled on my ear

"W-w-what a-are y-you d-doing?!"

i was being pushed forward against the board be he turned me towards my desk so my chest is leaning on the desks surface.

"I'm tempting you."

he pushed forward even more, so my whole body was leaning on the desk


he smirked

"Because i want too."

i gulped "Whats the p-point of d-doing this?"

After School Detention (1D fanfic & Teacher/Student) [COMPLETE] (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now