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Ashlyn POV

"Ashlyn, I'm not sure this is a good idea." Billie tells me. "Yes it is, I promise. You just have to trust me. I know what I'm doing." I tell her.

"You better know what you're doing." Billie mumbles and I turn around. "What was that?" I ask. "Nothing, can you tell me the plan again?" Billie asks.

"You're gonna text Tyler saying you want to meet them here at the house. There will be cops hidden in different places in the house and I'll be keeping watch through cameras. Keep in mind that if he tries anything, he will be tased immediately." I tell Billie and she nods before pulling her phone out.

After a few minutes of her typing, she shows me her phone.

Ty, meet me back at my place

Billie, where have you been? Why did you run away from me?

I just needed space after what you told me

I was only trying to help you Billie

I know but just come back to my place

Isn't Ashlyn going to be there

No she won't, I'm sure. Just come.

Okay, I'll be there in 15 minutes.

"He's on his way here." Billie says. "Okay, I'll be in the car, you'll be okay I promise." I say.

"Wait, what do I ask him when he comes?"

"The video. Tell him to show it to you, put the volume up so I can also get an audio and that's my proof." I say and she nods before letting out a shaky breath.

"You okay?"

"I'm about to sit down with a murderer who may or may not be on my parents' side." Billie states. "After all of this, we can finally take the time to celebrate our engagement and finally get married. We can do whatever you want." I cup her face.

I wipe her tears away and kiss her forehead. She kisses me and I walk out of the house and I get into the car which is hidden from Tyler's view.

I wait for awhile and I finally see Tyler enter the house and I begin watching him in the cameras. "Jackson, you got eyes on him?" I ask through the earpiece.

"Yes, over."

I watch the cameras and I see Tyler hug Billie and Billie pats his back and nudges him a little. "Well why are we here?" Tyler asks.

"I wanted to actually talk to you." Billie said running her fingers through her hair. "What is it?" Tyler asks. "The video you showed me."

"What about it?"

"I wanted to rewatch it." Billie fiddles with her fingers. "What? Why?"

"Uh- I want to make sure Finn isn't apart of it, maybe I can stay with him and Claudia." Billie lies.

"Stay with them," He laughs. "After all I've done for you. Finneas did nothing but run away, I stayed and help, you can't just leave." Tyler begins to yell.

"How did you even get the video?" Billie asks. "I- uh, I was just looking around and ssw it."

"Looking around? Where?" Billie pushes on. "Billie, that doesn't matter. We just need to get out of here." Tyler grabs Billie's hand.

"No, there's something about you, I can't trust you. You knew about my parents already, you're with them." Billie confirms.

"Alright Jackson, pull it." I say and Jackson comes from behind the couch with his gun in his hand. "A taser Jackson, why do you have a gun. Get the taser dumbass." I say and I get out of the car.

I get into the house and I grab Tyler. "Get your phone out and show me the video." I tell him and he chuckles. "Hell no."

I pull the pistol out of my waist band and put it in his throat. "You know me and you know I won't hesitate to pull this trigger, so show me the video now." I say.

He doesn't say anything for a bit before giving up. "Okay! I'll show you." I put the gun to his head and he pulls out his phone and unlocks it. He goes to his gallery and pulls it up. I grab the phone passing it to Jackson.

I lift Tyler up arresting him. "Tyler Jameson, you are being arrested for the murder of Morgan Idris, you have the right to remain silent." I pass him off to another cop.

"Detective Carmicheal, this is evidence. O'Connells can be arrested." Jackson says. I nod and I tell him to take Billie back to the hotel. I get back in my car and I zoom to Maggie and Patrick's house.

Conway is riding with me so I can arrest both of them together. I still can't believe that they would actually plan something like this. Why someone would plot to kill their own daughter.

I know it happens to so many people, but I never would of thought it would be Billie. I get to the house and I knock on the door. Maggie opens it happily and I quickly wipe the smile off of her face.

Her smile drops when she sees I have a gun pointed at her, I tell her to put her hands up and she does. Conway arrests her and I go into the house when a gun goes off and a bullet comes my way.

Patrick has a gun in his shaking hand and I charge at him and push him to the ground. I grab the gun and throw it away and I cuff him. "Damn it." He grunts as he gets up. "You are under arrest for conspiracy and plot to kill, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you in court."

2 months later

"Ashlyn!" I hear my name being called and I get up and follow the voice. "Yes baby." I say when I see Billie decorating a cake.

"Can you get the sprinkles for me?" She asks. "I still don't understand why you just don't buy a cake for Aminah." I say.

"It's her birthday, plus I want to get back into baking." Billie licks the icing off of her finger. "Have I mentioned how sexy you look in that apron?" I walk closer to her.

"Yes you have. A million times." She laughs. I place my hands on her waist backing her up. "I dont think I've said it enough though." I mutter before kissing her. "Stop, Aminah next door." Billie complains.

"I can't make love to my beautiful wife?" I ask and she pats my chest. "You can, but not here." She says.

"Yes. Here." I say before pulling the butter knife out of her hand and kissing her harshly. She takes her apron off and we hear "Oh!" I turn around and we see Claudia with Aminah in her arms.

"Happy Birthday my babygirl." I take Aminah, the girl is two but is tall as a giant. "Cake!" She exclaims.

"It's all for you." I coo kissing her cheek as she giggles.

She sits on the counter and grabs the cake with her hands. "She ruined it!" Billie says.

"Hey, she's two now, prepare for terrible twos." Claudia shrugs.

"Hm? It still tastes good."

The End


Detective Of Murder [Billie Eilish AU] [Short Story] [ ✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now