34. DMS between Monty And Jeff

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That's really fucking not cool man
Why would you post that?

I'm hurt bro

And you can't talk it out with her like an adult??
This could've been solved in 2 fucking seconds man.
She's gonna get shit from all the idiots at school again now!
I told you not to hold it against her.
You don't understand

No u don't fucking understand Atkins.
She's the first girl I can see something more than a hook up with.
How can I trust that she won't run to you everytime shit gets rough or if I upset her somehow?

Ur not Foley man.
You are a decent guy Monty.
She's stronger than you think.
When her mom was drinking heavy, I was always there for her. I'd drop everything to come and sleep next to her so she felt safe.
The second she feels unsafe or gets too drunk, yeah she calls me because she's never had anyone else to rely on.
Walker isn't there for her.
Zach has too much stuff to deal with himself.
Justin always made it into a competition of who's parent is worse.
So the short answer is Yes, she most likely will run to me when things get rough but if you show her that you will be there to keep her safe you will be the one she runs to.
She is stronger now. She can take an argument. It doesn't scare her anymore.
Montgomery you can trust her.
I promise man.
Give her another chance
Seen 7:03PM

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