Chapter 1

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"You guys wanna hear a story?" A voice from behind him startled him. His mother was calling him and his siblings to the story den. Stardust yawned, the morning making him drowsy. His siblings raced past him, their tongues hanging out of their mouths. He padded over to them, blinking slowly, "Hurry! All of you will miss the story!" His mother watched him. Stardust walked faster and stopped in front of the den. The lichen was draped over the cove mouth. Moss was gathered at the bottom where the ground met the dirt wall, "Are you coming in or what, Starry?" His mother once again poked him out of his thoughts. Stardust padded into the den.

"Mom just tell the story already!" Stardust heard his sibling say. She was light gray color and had yellow-orange eyes. Stardust raced next to them. He planted his tail to the ground and stared at his mother waiting for her to start.

Mother took a breath in. Then closed her eyes, "Okay, here is my story. It is about how the world was made.

"Fire, Water, Weather, Day, Earth, Night, Death, Life,

These are the elements of our Ancients. Do you remember them? Well, long ago, when everything was nothing, in a deep dark pool, the world was silent, nothing to see, or hear, or feel, or taste, or smell. Only the black suffocating waters of nothing. Like you see the sky at night, but no stars or moon. There was only a single being. She had fur dark as a black rose that was scattered in stars. She was sleek and had lightning blue eyes. This being had the body of a strong wolf, the head and senses of a lynx, the stealthy, swift, paws of a fox, and the angelic wings of an eagle. She only drifted in a world with no one except herself.

One day, when she was looking into the darkness, when a voice seemed to speak, a whisper in the still world. The creature listened and followed the murmur, hearing the hope from her soul scream into her head again.

"stars...," The murmur said words that were strange to the being. Words like, "shining on the water..." or, "Death is your balance..." The creature stopped, and closed her eyes, she wished only for some sort of place to stop and rest her tired wings, and something for her swift paws to touch.

She opened her eyes and saw a lump of the gray hard stuff. She flapped her wings hard and flew over to it, curious about what had broken the black with color, the creature placed a paw on it. It was hard. The voice whispered louder, "the Ancient stone..." The word stone caught in her throat.

"I have created something?" She stammered. A smile pressed onto her face, "I shall create something else to go with this..." She stopped, wondering, "It needs to be called something..." The creature began thinking about all the words she knew. Skimming past so many sounds for her new creation,

"The Ancient stone..." The word sounded cool. She had heard this new word from the voice. The creature looked at the new thing, and named it, Stone. She thought some more and looked at her fur. White dots, " My fur is black like this void, but the void is missing my white glowing spots..." She closed her eyes and made them appear all around her. She added purple, and silver, and brown to the void, "I will call this, sky. And the dots will be Stars," She gazed at the stone again. It was bland and alone. Like her, "I shall give you friends, Stone," She closed her eyes and imagined a larger stone.

This one was circular, and not how she had imagined. So she didn't name this one Stone, but simply, Moon. The moon was very dark. And everything around her was dark. She added a big light ball that was bigger than the Moon and named it, Sun. She then closed her eyes and made a big platform. She placed the stone on it. She remembered blue from her eyes and added this to her new world. She planted green, pink, purple, yellow, red, and so many more colors. This place was too flat and boring. The only things that were there were the colors and the one rock. But she was beginning to get tired from all of her makings. She decided to use the last of her powers on eight immortal creatures that would make the world flourish and would form more creatures.

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