Chapter 16 - Dance Practice

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The school day had finally finished and I was going with Justin to one of his dance practices. Not wanting to intrude on the class, I felt a little nervous but Justin assured me that it would be fine. When we got to the studio there were already a bunch of his 'crew', for lack of a better word, there warming up. There were also a few people who seemed to be friends, family or partners sat in chairs at the side of the room. Justin guided me to a seat near the mirrors at the front of the room where I sat patiently for them to start rehearsing.

As weird as it sounds, I didn't think doing warm ups could be attractive, they were literally just stretching and getting their blood pumping, but Justin sure proved me wrong. Though I hadn't a clue how he was going to dance in skinny jeans; it seemed like a wardrobe disaster waiting to happen, not to mention uncomfortable. Though I had to admit, the ripped black skinny jeans and oversized black t-shirt looked hot. When I asked him about it, he told me that the performance was going to be done in skinny jeans so it's best to practice with them. Which I supposed made sense.

The teacher came into the room and the boys took their places in front of the mirror. Justin was one of the boys at the front so I figured that meant he was one of the better dancers of the group. The teacher greeted the group and briefly talked them through what they'd be doing before starting the music.

The music started and the boys sprung to life. As the song continued, I became immersed in the performance. I couldn't take my eyes off Justin. He seemed to glow with life, as if he was truly his happiest when dancing and I could tell dancing was something he really loved to do. He was also insanely talented; I was pretty sure I'd need to pick my jaw off the floor when we left. Watching him perform, even though this was just a practice, I could tell Justin was born to dance. The thought brought a warm feeling to my chest I could only describe as pride.

There was also another reason I couldn't take my eyes off him besides his sheer talent; he was incredibly sexy. The dance was clearly not intended to be a sexy dance by nature, it's not as if it was a Magic Mike kind of dance, however there was the odd use of body rolls and pelvic thrusts that left me speechless. It definitely made me want to take him up on his offer of dance lessons. A couple of the boys, Justin included, even did one of those handstand-down-to-a-pelvic-thrust-on the-floor kind of things. That certainly had me thinking a whole range of perverted things before I managed to calm my lustful thoughts and focus on Justin properly again. Luckily for me, this practice was two hours long so I got to keep watching him body role, pelvic thrust and generally just be unfathomably sexy for a while longer.

Justin, the professional that he is, didn't once look my way to catch me ogling him appreciatively. If he had, he likely would have seen me with my mouth open, jaw practically on the floor, and a line of drool at the corner of my mouth to my chin. Well, maybe there wasn't actually any drool, but close enough. Instead he was completely committed to practicing the routine and giving one hundred percent. Even when the group had breaks to catch their breath and rehydrate, Justin stayed in front of the mirror going over moved he didn't quite deem to be perfect. To say I was impressed with his work ethic and drive to do his absolute best was an understatement. I was in awe of his commitment and couldn't help but wish I could be that committed to something.

When the practice was finished Justin walked over to me, bottle of water in hand and towel around his neck. I didn't give him a chance to speak before I was up on my feet praising him. "That was amazing! Well, no, you were amazing I haven't a clue what the others did, I couldn't take my eyes off you!" I gushed, unable to keep quiet about how amazing I thought he was. It had been a struggle to stop myself from cheering for him or making very loud appreciative noises throughout the last two hours.

"Well I've been dancing my whole life so I'd hope so." He laughed, seeming a little bashful all of a sudden. "You really liked it though?"

"Liked it? I loved it!" I grinning from ear to ear, earning an equally bright grin from Justin, who was seemingly very pleased from my praise. Not forgetting those sinfully sexy dance moves and my previous lustful thoughts, I stepped closer to him "It was quite possibly the hottest thing I've ever seen." I whispered as I leaned in towards his ear so only Justin could hear. When I straightened out to see his reaction, he looked rather smug.

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