1st time

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"I'm going now Kurt, tell Burt I'll be back at 11" Finn shouted upstairs, where Kurt and Blaine were sat on the bed talking about Glee club. "Bye!" Kurt yelled as the front door slammed shut, Kurt's phone buzzed, it was a message from his dad "Me and Carol will be home around 9," it was currently 7, so they had sometime, Blaine and Kurt had been going out for about 6 months, Kurt had just convinced Blaine to transfer to McKinley  , Blaine made eye contact with Kurt and stood up, "I'll be back in a sec," he walked out of the room towards the bathroom and used some of what he presumed was Kurt's mouth wash as it was in the cupboard with all of the fancy skincare products, he swirled it round his mouth and spit it out, he looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. He opened the bathroom door and walked out, when he reached Kurt's room he stood in the doorway. Kurt smiled as he noticed the slight outline of his bulge inside of Blaines Red dress pants, barely noticeable but Kurt was very focused. "You alright Blaine?" He asked, as Blaines smirk grew, "Kurt I was thinking, maybe we could-" He was interrupted by Kurt nodding his head vigorously. Blaine walked towards the bed and Kurt laid down, Blaine straddled him, Their soft lips touched and Kurt slid off Blaines white and black striped Blazer, Blaine began to unbutton Kurt's Vest that was layered over a dress shirt, "Sorry," Kurt giggled, "Layers," He softly moaned into blaines lips, Blaine laughed, "Kurt, I... I love you," Blaine smiled, "I love you too," Kurt replied, Gently removing Blaines bow tie and placing it on the table beside his bed, Blaine did the same with Kurt's scarf, at the same time Kurt started to unbutton Blaines shirt and Blaine started to unbutton Kurt's, Kurt slid off Blaines shirt, using his fingers to graze over Blaines toned abs, Kurt's shirt was undone revealing his perfectly flat stomach, "You're so perfect," Blaine moved his mouth to Kurt's neck, Kurt moaned, "May I?" Kurt felt around slightly squeezing Blaines now obvious bulge, Blaine nodded, Kurt started unbuckling Blaines belt, throwing it onto the floor and unbuttoning and sliding down his pants. Blaine then asked permission to do the same with Kurt's and Kurt again nodded, and started to lightly circle around Blaines boner, "I... need you Blaine," Kurt muttered, "Not yet," Blaine teased, moving his hand over Kurt's dick which was standing nearly upright, palming it lightly, "B...Blaine," Kurt breathed heavily, "That feels so good," Blaine continued, stopping about 5 seconds later,  "Why did you stop?" Kurt asked, groaning from the sudden loss of pleasure, "So I can do this," He took off his boxers, and threw them across the room, Kurt smirked, "I want you to blow me, Kurt," He got off of the top of him and stood up but not before taking Kurt's boxers off as well, Kurt got up kneeling on the small bit of floor beside his double bed, Blaine stood in front of him grabbing onto his hair lightly and directing his lips towards his dick, Kurt lightly sucked and used his tongue to circle around the tip, after about a minute he could tell Blaine was close so he pulled off, "Blaine," he looked up, "I want you inside of me," he got up, Blaine smiled and pushed him onto the bed, opening Kurt's bedside table drawer and taking out the bottle of lube and a XL condom, Kurt laid on his bed, and Blaine slipped on the condom, and spread Kurt's legs, "Are you ready Kurt?" Blaine asked, "I can bottom if you want, if it's too painful," he kissed him on the forehead, "no Blaine I need you," Blaine flicked open the lid of the bottle of lube and put some on his fingers, slowly inserting one finger into Kurt's tight opening, Kurt tensed around it, moaning slightly through the pain, Blaine then inserted another finger, moved them both around a bit and gently pulled them out, "Are you sure, Kurt?" Blaine asked one more time, Kurt smiled and nodded, "I love you so much, Blaine," Blaine grinned, kissing Kurt again, before lathering his dick with lube and lining it up with Kurt's entrance, inserting the tip, Kurt screamed quietly, Blaine lightly rubbed his inner thigh reassuringly, as he inserted another inch in, Kurt tensed up, and Blaine moaned, "God Kurt you're so tight," Blaine let out a heavy sigh in pleasure, and Kurt did the same, even with all the pain it felt so fücking good, Blaine slowly put more and more of his cock in and began to thrust in and out brushing Kurt's prostate every time, "Oh god Blaine, don't stop," Kurt screamed, in pain and pleasure, pre-cum dripping out of his cock onto Blaines chest, "Kurt, I'm gonna-" Blaine began before a rush of pleasure took over his body and he came, continuing to thrust, Kurt did the same, Blaine began to slow down and finally pulled out, "That... was... so.... good," Kurt said, trying to catch his breath, once they had both cooled down they cleaned their selves up and put their boxers back on, laying in bed beside each other, Kurt couldn't stop smiling, he kissed Blaine on the cheek and cuddled up next to him, "I love you so goddamn much Blaine Anderson,"

Thank you so much for reading!
Word count: 921

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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