Not much Skye this time

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Yesterday morning, my Godmother had her guide dog, Princess, put down. Now, Princess was her dog for 12 years, and Princess was 14 years old. I grew up with this dog, and is my Godmother's only guide dog that I actually remember.

My brother wasn't told until this afternoon because of work and sleep schedules. When our mom told him, he was sobbing. He came downstairs, where I was in front of a fan, and he could barely breathe, he was crying so hard. He was Princess' boy. He loved playing with her, and she enjoyed it too.

Princess had been having a lot of troubles in everyday life, from panting out of exhaustion after sitting up, to not being able to get up in the van, to being in visible pain. She was going downhill very quickly. To add on top of that, my 69 year-old Godmother, who is completely blind, diabetic, has dementia(not diagnosed, but obvious), and is 2/3 to 3/4 deaf, decided to move into an apartment by herself again(after living with my family for 2 1/2 years). Meaning, separation anxiety for Princess.

Now, I'm not asking for y'all to be like, 'I'm sorry for your loss,' or anything, because I'm numb at the moment. I'm just typing this out because I need to get it off my chest, and what better way than by being anonymous online?

Now, y'all don't have to comment, vote, or anything on this chapter, this is mostly me venting before the numbness breaks and I cry my eyes out.

Now for some pics!

Princess laying next to Skye

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Princess laying next to Skye.

There was another one, but it cont let me add it! That's very annoying.

Bye for now. I'll probably update this after the numbness goes away.

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