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Regina's POV (Time for a change.)

"Gold just give us the damn beans!" I slapped my hand on the table.
"I'm sorry deary but I don't have them and anyway, you don't have anything I'll be willing to trade for."
"Trade! My daughter is with your father, She's your step granddaughter! Both of us would save Henry and now he's taken 2 isn't that enough of a reason."
He leaned in. "You shouldn't need me, you have your savior and the pirate parading the Enchanted Forest for you to find one, now get out of my shop." He sneered and threw me out.
"Well that went well." I brushed myself off. " He probably just wants the beans to keep." I muttered then slipped on the ice.
Robin helped me up. "We'll find our daughter Regina, She knows how to fight, she has magic. You said she was playing him, she knows how to do it. She's perfectly safe."
"There all boys Robin, they are all players."
"She has Scarlet."
"Who turns into a serial killer wolf at night. Yeah she's perfectly safe."

Peters POV
I waited until the boys dragged in Scarlet. They were literarily dragging her though.
"I thought you understood I need her alive." I growled
"She's sleeping. Poppy dust." Felix said. "I already like her better."
I don't.He thought, not realizing why he thought that.
I removed the poppy dust and she jumped up.
"I need a favor."
I handed her a vile. Inside was a purple liquid I saved for tricky people. It should put a crack in her walls so her emotions seep through, then I will be able to see through her. "Go to Ash and give her a drink with this in it, or you can live up there." I pointed to cages strung in the trees.
She reluctantly nodded and raced off.

Ashley's POV.
I nearly jumped for joy, I had finished the bracelet, I was just about to enchant it, when there was a nock on my door. Peter? No. He'd have to be stupid to do that. Well maybe he is. I opened the door. It was Scarlet. I hugged her. "What are you doing here!"
She showed me a vile. "It's from your mother, it's so they can find you when they get here."
I looked at it. "No you need it, they have to find you. I'm okay."
Anger sparked her face in the moonlight. Whoa, it was dark already?
"No she gave it to me for you."
"You need it more than me Scarlet, drink it."
"Scarlet please."
"Ash please. It's for you!" Her hand climbed up her red cloak.
"Scarlet your the one who needs it."
"Ashley if you don't drink it I will take off my cloak."
I looked at her, and took the file from her hand.
I looked at it, opened it,... and dumped it on the floor.
She looked at me and ripped of her hood.
I jumped over her. Oh crap.
She morphed and I ran.
I turned around. Scarlet growled at me.
"Scarlet. It's me. Ashley." I tried even though I knew she couldn't control her wolf side.
She laughed herself at me. I jumped back. Her jaws latched onto my arm. I yelled out and slapped her off. Then I took off.
Your probably thinking what happened to no screaming? Or why doesn't she just shoot her! Well she's my friend, and is don't scream I front of boys. I also wouldn't just poof away because, she could too and she'd catch me.
I ran through the trees, roots grabbed at my feet and and ankles. Tree leaves slapped my body leaving scars. I pulled down my sleeve hoping the wound on my arm would stop bleeding or at least stop dripping, because she could just track me with the scent.
I had no clue where I was going I just kept running as I heard padding of feet, snarling and growling.
I found my self running near camp. Lets see if I could turn her to a different victim.

Peters POV.
I heard snarling, and got out of my tent.
What the hell was that?
Some one was running towards camp followed by an animal.
I squinted to see it was Ash, being chased by a wolf.
She ran right past me and jumped over the fire,
"Clear camp!" I yelled
"Duh!" She responded looking back at me.
The boys scattered and I took off, flying after the wolf.

Ashley's POV
I felt the flames lick the bottoms of my feet, I heard Peter yell to run,
Thank you captain obvious.
"Duh!" I yelled and kept running
I tripped over a rock and fell. I turned around.
Scarlet leaped on top of me. I grabbed a branch and held her jaws from my face, I reached over and found a rock, I hit her in the head with it. She flew off and I kept running.
This was getting dangerous.

Peter's POV.
Where'd they go?
I stopped flying scanning the tree line for them. I heard a yelp, unable to tell if it was Ash's or the wolf, then I saw them running again. Ash was covering her arm in something soaked with red, and her dark hair was dotted with red too.
The wolf hurt her.
She turned left, oh no not left. That was towards the cliff.
She was gonna be trapped.

Ashley's POV
I spotted a clearing ahead, I stopped, it wasn't a clearing, it was a cliff. I stopped too late. My feet slipped and I flew off the cliff, I reached my hand out and grabbed onto a ledge.
Pain shot through my arm, it was my bad arm that caught it. I grabbed it with my other arm and tried to get my feet up, but they just slipped.
I wasn't gonna last long on here.

Peters POV.
I grabbed a branch off a tree and ran to the cliff, I saw the wolf but not Ash.
I swung my branch at the wolf. "Get out of here! You mutt!" I hit it off the cliff.
Some one yelled from it.
Ash was dangling from the cliff
I walked over "Oh Hi!"
"Hi." She said looking up at me in disgust.
"You look like you need help."
"So, do I have to ask for it."
"Sure, I'll make you ask for it.
She let go. I grabbed her arm and pulled her up, the good one.
She brushed herself off. Then slapped my face.
"Hey what was that for, that thing I did was called saving your life."
"I didn't need your help, besides you, probably killed my friend."
"She was gonna kill you, it was either her or you."
She smiled "and you picked me." She raised her eyebrows. "To die will be a very wonderful adventure Peter, I thought you would know that by now." She flashed away.
I stood there, wait for it- again, because when she said the last sentence, her eyes were full of sorrow, for me.

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