Everything Destroyed

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I stopped and looked around everything was destoryed and when I say everything I mean everything. A tear almost ran down my face at the horrible site. The trees were torn down and most of the leaves that were there , are now long gone.

The werewolves were gathered around but what confused me the most was that the vampires were no where in site , I smell it. THAT BITCH!!! She put a circle of vervain."you guys stay behind" I said

"You can't. .... you just can't do it on your own" Emily said sadly slightly breathing hard probably because she was too close to the vervain. "I can go hide " I said my lips in a thin line

"Well well if it isn't my poor niece Katherine" clarie said "I am nothing of yours you lost that title long ago " I said angrily she laughed of an amused kind of laugh. "You hurt me right here" she said patting where here heart was.

"Enough of this foolish rabish stuff let them go Claire" I said she raised one of her eyebrows "you foolish girl" she started "you don't get it do you, I want more" she said. Rain started pour hard, the wind started to pick up , the ground shook violently.  " you killed my mom and your own brother , my father for power" I said angrily

I ran to her and grabbed her slamming her against a tree knocking her out cold. But before anything could happen the werewolves with full power running towards me. I raised my hand and with a simple motion snaped there necks.

The vervain was washed away and the rain stopped , the wind was clam and the ground stood still. I ran towards Ryder, Ryan and Blake, I untied the rope and hugged them. I heard a snap of a twig but I wasn't fast enough Claire jammed her hand through Blake's heart and ripped it out with blood slipping from his mouth.

I stood there frozen as if I were a statute seeing it in slow motion as Blake hit the ground.I recovered from the state I was and was about to attack her but was no where in site. Liam and Emily ran towards me and the twins  .

My small hands wrapped around his neck pleading it wouldn't be true that he wasn't really dead. I examined his pale blue eyes even dead they were shining , his mouth with a full on smile , and his skin growing paler within the seconds. I stood up and buried the reminding parts of him. Wipping the blood I had on my hands on my pants .

There we stood all of us Liam, Ryan, Emily, Ryder and me on a hill looking at the town we use to call home destroyed. The buildings broken down the streets teared apart the trees all down the grassed looked dead. Tears slipped from my eyes. My home our home was destoryed. There was no signs of any living creature expect for the vampires and us.

I looked towards my now family "its up to us to bulid the land we all want a land of promise and goods to build the of our own image" I said sadly tear after tear slipping from my eyes still thinking of all that we lost today and but thinking I could have prevent it, prevent all of this if I only I seen it all in time.


Well guys this is the end I know it's not much but it's something , I waited to update until today so it could be a gift from me to you.

If you guys want to borrow some ideas from my story please PM for permission and don't steal any of my work.


Ps . There's other books you can check out on my page.

I won't edit this book or make changes until 2016.

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