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An F.

Marinette screamed into her pillow as she kicked her legs in frustration.

Another F to add to her long list of exam grades. Another F despite the countless nights Marinette stayed up to study and practice the little magic she knew.

Sure, she wasn't blessed with the talent of Kagami nor that of Chloe's, but that didn't mean Marinette deserved to fail.

She bleed, sweated and cried to earn her spot at this school, her first choice school despite her parents wanting her to stay in their hometown and help at the bakery.

But she didn't want to be a baker.

She wanted to be a witch. Just like Chariot.

So, she made it her goal.

She fought against her parents' wishes to achieve her dream, of following it.

She earned her place at Luna Nova, the most prestigious wizard school in all of Europe.

And yet... why was the universe so against her being here?

Despite getting in with one of the highest scores, Marinette now had the lowest ones in her grade and she honestly didn't know why.

"One more F and I'll get expelled." Marinette muttered out loud, laying on her back, staring at the underside of the bed above hers - Alya's bed. "One more mistake and I'll be proven myself wrong."

If she failed, it would give her parents a reason to tie her down to their bakery. She would've proven them right. That she wasn't up for the Magic life, even though she claimed she was.

Marinette felt the lump in her throat, her vision blurring as that thought echoed within her mind.

"No! I can't give up!" Marinette told herself, getting up a bit too quickly, bumping her bed as she got up, Tikki humming at her in concern.

"I'll be fine Tikki." Marinette told the red faerie hovering beside her. "I just need more practice."

Grabbing her textbook, her wand and some emergency energy, Marinette stuffed them into her bag, slinging in over her attire.

"I promise to be careful and be back before dawn. Wouldn't like the professors catching me again." Marinette petted the faerie, opening the window of her dorm room to go off to her favorite spot on campus to practice.

She can't give up yet.

It was still too soon to call quits.

Her fate hasn't been sealed. Not yet.


"Where is Marinette?" Rose asked Alya, scanning the room. Before panic could settle into Rose, Juleka gave her girlfriend's hand a squeeze, receiving one back.

"Sulking over her test grade." Alya replied, not once looking away from the lens she finished adjusting on her newest camera model. "Do you think all of the Wayne boys will be here?"

"Seeing as tonight's party is for them, I would believe so." Alix answered, not believing that Alya really left Mari on her own. If previous events taught them anything, Mari should never be left alone. Never.

One time, they found her stuck in a glass jar. It was a miniaturization spell gone wrong.

"Can't wait to finally use these new lenses I got for my birthday! And to get a scoop on the Waynes!" Alya squealed, her friends shaking their heads, although they had to agree.

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