Semi x Shirabu

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Semi's POV

One day after school as I walked to my volleyball practice I saw Shirabu staring at me and his face was very red.

Semi: Are you ok Shirabu *Runs to Shirabu*

Shirabu: Oh umm y..yeah *Covers face with both hands* >///////<

Semi: You sure *Pulls his hands down* You look really red *Touches Shirabu's forehead with back of his hand*

Shirabu: Yeah, let's just get to practice

Me and Shirabu went to practice together and got through half of it until I noticed Shirabu staring at me again with a red face. After practice we took showers and Shirabu was staying really close to me with a tomato red face.

Semi: Hey are you sure you're ok *Turns around to see Shirabu close behind him*

Shirabu: Yeah I am fine

After we finished showers I was going to head home to sleep but Shirabu came up to me and asked of he could  spend the night at my place. I kind of have a crush on Shirabu so of course I let him over. When we got to my place we headed to the living room since I live alone now. We were watching  a horror when Shirabu started to get all touchy and close, I think it was because it was horror.

Shirabu: Semi *Grabs Semi's hand* Semi *Sits on Semi's lap* when will this movie be over

I soon realized Shirabu just really wanted me to fuck him

Shirabu: Semiiiiii *Turns around so his legs are wrapped around his waist and his hands on his neck*

Semi: Shirabu are you trying to turn me on

Shirabu: I never said anything like that *Slowly tries to get off*

Semi: You don't need to say anything, your actions gave it away  *Slowly Pulls Shirabu's pants and boxers down*

Shirabu: WAIT Semi *Stops him from bringing them down further*

Semi: Mn Shirabu your neck looks very pale and untouched *Brings mouth closer to neck* -///////-

Shirabu: Semi wait I am sorry for trying to turn you on >///////<

Semi: Too late *Bites ear softly* You already turned me on, want to feel it

Shirabu: Semi where is this going

Semi: So quick *Bites down softly on Shirabu's neck*

Shirabu: Ah *Pulls Semi's hair softly*

Semi: Let's go to my room, you can be as loud as you want since no one is here but you and me

Shirabu: Ok but please be gentle Semi

Tendou's POV (Oh No)

Me and Ushijima were going to Semi's house to ask what was wrong woth Shirabu, he was acting very strange today. When we knocked no on answered and so then we rang the doorbell.

Shirabu: SEMI

Semi: Sorry I will slow down

Shirabu: No it's just that someone is here and you left the door unlocked

Semi: Well I am going to make sure they hear your moans

The door was unlocked so we went in and heard Shirabu moaning very loud

Tendou: Ooh looks like he is fine

Ushijima: Maybe we should just go

Tendou: WAIT I want to know who is the top 

Ushijima: No come on


Shirabu's POV

After a few minutes Semi carried me downstairs to the kitchen. When we went to the kitchen there was a note on the kitchen table.

Hello Semi and/or Shirabu this is Tendou, Ushijima wanted to leave but I wanted to see who was the top so please text me or tell me tommorow at school.

Semi: Oh I am going to kick his ass tommorow

Shirabu: Yeah speaking of ass, why did you destroy mine

Semi: Mm well was it worth it

Shirabu: Yes it was *Kisses*

Semi: Well let's do a round two

Shirabu: SEMI

We ran to Semi's room and did a round two, the next day at school was going to be a pain in the ass, literally.



Tendou: So you two who is the bottom *Eats lunch*

Semi: It's Shirabu

Shirabu: No it's not -///////-

Semi: Then how come all last night for both times I was always on top of you and I have scratch marks on my back and hickeys all over you

Shirabu: Fine but bottom isn't that bad

Tendou: Yeah Ushijima's a bottom

Ushijima: No I am not *Stands behind Tendou so he can't get up

Tendou: WAKATOSHI-KUN SHHHH *Turns around to face him*

Semi: Ooh Tendou's a bottom

Tendou: No I am not

Ushijima: Yes you are *Kisses neck*

Semi: Pfft what a bottom

Shirabu: Exactly *Sits on Semi's lap*

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