First year at Western High

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As I woke up wishing that the summer was still here.I heard my mom yellin "Get up you are gonna be late to school".

I had my mom drive me to school because I don't know anyone here and its my first year at " Western High School as a Junior "

Open the car door...on my way into the school.

As I am standing in front of my new school i rememberd mom saying "Have a great day at school honey". I walk in with my schedule looking for my classes as the cutest guy I have ever seen bump into me.

He said sorry and that he had never seen me before.He said "I'm Zack...Zack Colton" and what's your name I'm "Megan...Megan Blake".Nice too meet you Megan,same to you Zack,so is it your first year here? Yes....I hope this year go as planned.

Here comes a group of girls

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