I woke a little late today. Am really starting to worry about my dad. Is he even alive in the first place? Why is he letting me stay here and not doing anything about it? I wish she was still alive. Not that i am certain it would have yielded a different situation, i just hope it did. You know like she would have been propably overprotective and nagging for all i know, atleast she will be alive and i will have answers to my questions.
I pulled out of the sheets. Did the rearrangement of my haywire sheets and went to the bathroom. It didn't take me long because i basically just brushed my teeth and wash my face and tie my hair.
I made my way to the kitchen. I pretty much don't have a routine anymore. I wake to do whatever suits my mood. Esmelda was taking the last tray of coffee, sugar and tea plus fresh milk for the guys to eat breakfast in the dinning room. I boiled water. Took a one liter jar and tea essentials plus a side plate with five cubes. Yeah; that is how i drink my tea. Just that initially the one liter jar is half filled with tea but since it is hot the addition of cubes makes the capacity escalate just a little bit. And that is if the cubes are doing what is expected of them. Otherwise cold water will come in handy.
I don't take my tea with bread or whatsoever. Es leaves chicken and egg mayo for me because i happen to like it as in like when i came down here. Lol. If before coming here, you would have told me poultry and thier live versons' pregnancies can make salad i would have looked at you with an ajar mouth and prolly ask if you are pregnant and starting to crave the impossible. Actually, apparently it is my favourite food somehow.
So i pack my tray and went to sit on the chilling table at the kitchen balcony. My back against the wall and legs in an indain style and my face recieving the blast of the chilly air. I am still in the boy pajamas i found in the closet. They told me to make use of the clothes in there and i am glad they are guy clothes cos aa.a i wouldn't have dared to be all girly around here. Not now.
I was watching the waves as they hit the rocks on the island and sending some droplets in the air. The rising sun makes the view even more breathtaking and absorbing. The seagulls were doing their seagull magic and just adding a touch of beauty to the view without knowing. And that is when i heard a familiar voice and the cultery choir took an abrupt halt.
I know they told me not to intervene or even be seen roaming around but if my judgment or memory is serving me well. That is my dad after all so no. I was storming in to the corridor leading to the dinning room when someone held my waist and lifted me off the ground. "Paa" i managed say put a hand clapsed my mouth. The grip was tight so i didn't even protest and hurt myself.
I was taken to my room and i then there with all the energy bottled anger gave me my reflex started hitting whoever dropped me there like i was a damn luggage. Tears are blurring my visions but i know this is not one of the mucho ones that will send me to a coffin vacation with a slap. I still know my limits you know. So this one was kind of my height and that stands out that it was Dee. Devil sent Dee. And since i was already at the conclusion that this whole situation is his fault made me heating him even more motivating and deflating in the process.
I have been beating his chest like a punching bag with slaps and baby fists but it seem to not hurt because he was not even hardening it to avoid the pain. And my knucles were starting to hurt even more. So i kept slapping his chest hopelessly and crying outloud like a baby and at a moment my vision was even more blurr. This whole time I've been trying to say something but words wouldn't just come. My mouth was ajar as i tried to cease my sobbing and come up with a phrase ateast. And then all in a split second something's lips were on my drooling ones and it was gently sucking on my top lip. While i try to process what was going on. He pulled away just to hold me tight and give me a forehead kiss. I was stilll in shock to even make out what to do. And then in his usual voice he said "Even your own beauty doesn't permit you to sulk. You looked so hopeless and defeated i had to slap you back to your senses. "
Hurt is an understatement.
But i still couldn't pull away. I was tired of fighting. And being a strong girl.

His Princess
Teen FictionFor real idk what aul be writing exactly but I am thinking of some collapse in facade of a perfect dad.