Gonna burn this place to the ground

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Elvis goes underground for a week.All the odds were against him. Daniel was also released because Elvis is proved for the murder of Jim and James, and Daniel was given the job to find and arrest him. Elvis became hero in front of public eyes for taking the revenge of his love and media helped him in it but he was a criminal in front of the eyes of law.

Elvis changes his look and phones Francis from telebooth.

Francis picks up the call and says "Who it is?"

Elvis says "Hey Uncle."

Francis says "Elvis are you crazy! You should be underground."

Elvis asks "How long do I have to be undersground."

Francis says "1 year or maybe 2! Why does it matter."

Elvis replies "Uncle! I am sick of this"

Francis says "Elvis listen to-"

Elvis cuts and says " I don't care. If I die, I die doesn't matter much but I can assure you one thing that I AM GOING TO BURN THIS PLACE TO THE GROUND" and cuts the call.

Daniel was tracking Francis phone. He was relieved by hearing the fight between two on the other hand he was scared as hell by just hearing these words.
Daniel tried to locate where Elvis was but was unable to find him because of the short conversation. He tracked Gordon,Candace and Elisabeth phones too. He was hoping that Elvis will maybe call them but no luck.

Meanwhile Veronica was at the mansion watching Breaking Bad suddenly she heard something. When she looked back she sees Elvis. Veronica asks "Elvis, how did you come in?"

Elvis asks "Why aunt I thought you would be happy to see me?"

Veronica says in a trembling voice "Yeah I am happy. I am happy"

Elvis asks "Why? Why did you do this to me?"

Veronica says "What are you talking about?"

Elvis points a gun towards her and shouts "Shut the fuck up! The video was in my laptop and nobody knew the password of my laptop except you. Not even Anna or Elisabeth."

Veronica screams "So what could I do. I wanted to be rich and successful. I was a top model. I was at the peak of my career. Your uncle showed me dreams that I don't have to model anymore. I thought that if I marry this rich dude maybe I will be able to live a better life. But after marrying him I came to know that he was just a manager im the company. He convinced me that he will be going to own the company. He told Daniel to do the job. Daniel killed your parents and made it look like an accident. But then the company went to you. Your uncle and Jim tried again but you killed them and I was left alone."

Elvis asks "How did you came to know that I killed them?"

Veronica says "I heard everything about how you killed James and Jim when you were in the hospital talking to your friend and uncle"

Elvis says "So you made a plan that why not frame Elvis for the dead of his Uncle and cousin. So you called the only person who could help you, Inspector Daniel. But when even Daniel was unable to complete the job you tried to look for some proofs and then at last found the video. Jackpot."

Veronica was quite. Elvis says "You all did the same mistake. You just had to ask me and I would leave everything for you."

Veronica asks "What are you going to do next? Kill me?"

Elvis replies "No" and hits her with his gun and knocks her out cold. As soon as he hits her one of the bodyguard enters the room.

After having an eye contact the bodyguard walks towards Elvis and says "Are you done?"
Elvis says "Yeah".
The bodyguard places his hand on Elvis shoulder and says "Sir be careful."
Elvis hugs him and leaves. Somewhere even Elvis knew maybe this is the last time he will be seeing him.

While Francis was in his office he gets an call from an unknown number. Francis picks up the call and asks "Hey who is it?"

Elvis replies "Still unable to find me? You really are a loser"

Daniel "Why don't you come and meet me? Lets go for a coffee"

Elvis says "I wouldn't had rejected the offer if you would be a girl."

Daniel asks "Why you phoned me?"

Elvis says "You wanted me right so meet me at the festival going on near the Howrah bridge, at 6 pm."

Daniel"What are you planning now?"

Elvis says "Bring as many men you want. I don't care." and cuts the call.

Right 6 pm Daniel with 35 officers reached there. Everyone was been told that if Elvis tries to attack them they can shoot him.

They made groups of 2 and splited. It was big event so 18 groups were enough. The officer with Daniel asks him "Sir do you think he will come."

Daniel replies "If he said it that means he is going to come but I still can't understand what is his plan"

Suddenly an notification appears on the mobile of the officer with Daniel. The officer says "Sir just wait a minute let me check something."

Daniel says in a angry tone"You are in a mission."

Suddenly Daniel eyes fall on a tv store. When Daniel goes near to the tv he sees Veronica confession is leaked. In that confession Daniel was also mentioned as he killed Elvis parents. Elvis recorded everything and leaked it. Daniel turns and sees the officer looking at him with fright. The officer reaches for his gun but Daniel shoots him before that.

Just hearing the gun shot people starts panicking and starts running. Daniel anyhow reaches to his car, starts it and tries to escape before his colleagues could catch him. As soon as he was going to cross the bridge suddenly someone shoots the tire of his car and he crashes it in middle of the bridge.

Many cars was also crashed but luckily no one was hurt. People start panicking at the bridge by hearing the gunshot and seeing the accidents, and runs from the bridge.

Luckily Daniel was still alive. He tries to come out of the car and crawls when he notices Elvis walking towards him with a pistol. Elvis sits next to him and says "You were a good player but I was the coach."

Elvis stands up, points the gun to Daniel head and says "Goodbye".

Suddenly someone from the back shouts "Elvis! stop"

Elvis looks back and sees Francis in one end of the bridge pointing a gun towards him and some police cars at a distance coming towards him.

Francis says "Son just surrender there's no other way or you'll get killed"

Daniel laughs and says "Looks like your plan has failed. You are no one Elvis."

Francis shouts "Drop the gun dammit!!"

Elvis says to Daniel "You are wrong Daniel. Firstly, I've not failed and secondly I AM ELVIS DAVID" and shoots 3 bullets in Daniel head.

As soon as he shoots Daniel, someone shoots Elvis in his leg. Elvis turns and sees Francis shot him with a tear in his eyes. Elvis tries to get up when Francis shoots him right through his heart and he falls off the bridge into the water. The officers runs to see Elvis, but his body was drowned.  They check Daniel and he was dead too.

Elvis David: Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now