to be deleted

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dean was going crazy - it had been two days since alice rang him, from the other side of the country, to let him know she had noticed something weird and supernatural. he only saw it fourteen hours ago, and since then, neither had he stopped driving, nor had he received any news.
the twenty six years old man had been only recently allowed to hunt on his own, and he was therefore on his own in the impala, his father hunting on his own as well.
this was something that the blond green eyed man hated- the way he could drop everything to just go and rescue alice, his childhood sweetheart. it was just like lisa- but lisa never knew the whole supernatural world like alice did.
he quickly checked the map, just by a glance, before looking around. this should be the place. he rapidly parked and jumped out of the impala, grabbing his shotgun, silver bullets, holy water and salt. he had no idea of what he was about to face, so he'd rather get everything that could be useful. he firstly ran toward the small pastry shop- but by the soft dust that laid upon the windows, dean knew that alice hadnt made it back there since her phone call. his heart race fasten as he silently started to look around the house, his green eyes scanning everything.  her car was there, which meant whatever she went to hunt was close to it. the girl did mention a forest- after a few minutes of walk, dean finally noticed a small passage between two trees. the night was slowly started to creep in, and despite knowing this would be more dangerous, dean decided not to wait for the next morning, he needed to see, and save, alice now.

he started to walk into the forest, and the second he went deeper inside, he knew- he knew something was wrong, from how heavy the atmosphere was. there was no sign of life, no birds singing, no deers passing by- nothing. just a heavy and deafening silent. he silently made a list - whatever he was hunting wasn't a demon, nor a vampire. he seriously doubted it could be a werewolf as the full moon wasn't when alice called. perhaps a ghost ? but alice would have been able to get it with ease, dean wasn't doubting her abilities. it must have been something she wasn't expecting. the green eyed man suddenly frowned, holding back a sudden nausea- the smell was coming from a few feet away. carefully, he made it there, and it took all his strength not to throw up. the sight wasn't too hard to stand for a hunter, but the smell- the putrid smell of the slaughtered deer- this was something else. he knelt by it, covering his nose as he checked the claw marks. and that was when it hit him. wendigos. he shut his eyes close for a second, before opening them again, holding back a scream for the pale creature was in front of him. he hadn't heard it creep close, but lucky him, he knew those were blind. so as long as he wasnt making any noises, he was fine. his eyes glanced around, and he spotted another one a little more away. it was rare to see them living together, so he was praying they'd end up fighting. the second he was sure both wendigos were afar enough for him to load his gun, he did it, glad he brought silver bullets. now that he had them, all he had to do was to kill them - and to get alice. he was praying she was alive. he couldn't lose her.
he grabbed a rock onto the floor, and was about to toss it, when he noticed a cave into the woods - well hidden by branches, between two trees. his heart started to race as he slowly took a few steps until there. no- he had to take the wendigos away. he somehow knew the young woman would be there, he knew her way of hunting. he tossed the rock further away, in the other direction, aiming his gun at the first wendigo. he knew he wouldn't have much time- the second he'd shoot the first one, the other would be on him. he closed his left eye, taking in a breath and holding it. the next second, the bullet was in the air, going straight to the wendigo's head. as guessed, the second one turned and hissed at dean, but the hunter was way faster, and within the next second, he had loaded his gun again, and was firing at him. what he hadn't guessed, was the presences of a third one, that jumped onto him, scratching his shoulder and arm badly. with a grunt, dean stabbed the wendigo with the shotgun, before pressing the trigger, litterally drowning the wendigo in bullets . after a few seconds, dean was soaked in both his and the wendigo's blood. he groaned softly and got up, glancing around, checking that no other was coming, before hurrying to the small cave he had seen. ' alice ! ' he shouted while bursting into it. his right hand was pressed onto his left shoulder to try and stop the bleeding. his eyes widened and heart fastened as he saw the frail body of the woman, nd the weird angle in which her leg and ankle was. but his sudden fear eased once the blonde woman turned her head toward him. she was looking awful- drained, wounded, dirty and starved. but she was alive and it was all that mattered to the man. he went up to her, kneeling by her side. ' hey - ' he murmured softly, his green eyes checking her body for anymore wounds, before looking back up into her eyes. ' can you walk ? ' he added softly.alice felt so relieved to finally see someone that wasn't one of those awful creatures, and particularly relieved to see dean above all hunters. she gave a very soft nod, despite doubting she could actually walk- she could already barely stay awake.
dean wrapped an arm around her thin waist, helping her up, and holding her close to him. ' I got you. ' he whispered softly to sooth her, as he knew how much she hated wendigos, and for good reasons. he knew she was struggling to stand up, and he didn't want her to suffer, knowing the hell she must have just lived, so despite his own wound, he picked her up bridal style. ' hold onto me. ' he murmured while starting to walk out of the cave. once he realised he had no answer, he glanced down, only to notice the blonde girl had passed out from exhaustion. regardless of the situation, dean had a very faint smile, as he carried her back to the pastry shop.
the way there that took him only a few minutes previously, took him roughly half an hour now. as he finally reached the shop, he realised he didn't have the keys to go in. surely she wouldn't be mad if he broke a window- but as he was about to do so, he thought about checking her pocket - bingo ! there it was. with a soft grunt, he unlocked the door, going inside with her. he gently laid her down onto the couch, not having enough strength left to take her toward the shelter's bedroom, as the back of her pastry shop was a shelter for hunters, protected by all kind of traps, charms and spells, a bit like Bobby's bunker.
dean then went to lock the door, going to grab some ice for her ankle, and the first aid kit to patch all the other, minor, wounds and scratches she had.
he was almost done when she woke up, her eyes widening as she sat up fastly and brutally.
' hey hey- ' dean hushed her. ' it's over, you're safe now. ' he told her , his hand going over hers to help her calm down. he rarely was caring over people, and when he was, he would still rarely show physical sympathy. sammy and alice were the only one he would be close enough, to reassure, yet also to be reassured by.
' it was wendigos- ' alice whispered, her soft voice full of horror. ' above all creatures it had to be those dean.. ' she whimpered a little, still completely drained by the last days, and her emotions were a complete mess.
' I know I know. ' he softly purred and rubbed her arm. ' they're gone now okay ? ' he promised, locking her baby blue eyes with his emerald ones. alice let out a soft, shuddering sigh, before nodding at him. ' I'm sorry- ' she whispered before sighing once again. ' thank you for coming. ' the blonde smile a little, not out of happiness, but to show she was grateful for what he did. as she did so, her eyes wandered a little, and she noticed his wound. ' let me patch you up. ' she frowned a little worried.
' oh I'm okay lice. ' he promised, but honestly couldn't say no much longer, as the woman grabbed the stitching material from the first aid kit.
' I'm sorry if it stings. ' she warned him softly, starting to work onto it. apart from the occasional muffled grunt of pain from dean, the stitching went alright, and after a few moments, both were finally all patched up. an awkward silence fell onto the room, as both glanced at opposite sides.
dean eventually cleared his throat, before glancing at her. ' you should take some rest. ' he smiled softly, reaching out to tug a strand of her hair behind her ear, causing her to softly blush. ' you're right. ' she murmured and took in a deep breath. ' make yourself home, alright ? ' she added, really hoping he'd still be there when she'd wake up next.
dean nodded a little. ' I'll prepare some food. you rest now. ' he said in a slightly more firm voice, pressing a kiss to her forehead, before pulling the blanket up onto her body. a smile made it's way up to his lips as he noticed the poor woman was already fast asleep.

sanguineviews I wrote that yesterday- thoughts on making a small book about it ?

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