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Bom's P.O.V

Whis is my long awaited ship not even sailing? I need to go tell Tabi so that he can help me sail my ship.

There my lovely Tabi is, he is so cute and handsome so lovely right? I know kekekek.

"Hi tabi!"

"Hi Bom!"

Those words from his mouth so sweet, I'm going to melt and die this second wahhh he is the best man anyone could ever ask for.

"What are you dreaming?"

Embarrased again, why why why Bom? Do you really need to embarrass yourself infront of Tabi?

"Nothing, anyways we have to help Jiyong and Dara."

"What do you mean?"

Ahhh!! Why can't this Tabi understand that I'm trying to launch a mission for Jiyong and Dara what name should I call them hmmm... 'Daragon'.. that sounds nice since Jiyong is also referred as dragon ^_^ kekekeke.

"Tabi we need to fix them up together!"

"Oh ok ok now I understand, let's call the others."


Finally Tabi got it now time to go tell Chaerin and Minzy!!^_^

Author's P.O.V

"Hello Chaerin and Minzy!" Bom said excitedly.

"What's up unnie?" Chaerin asked arranging the clothes.

"Oh hi unnie." Minzy said with a little grin.

"I have a plan that you both and the others need to help for!" Bom said smiling.

"Oh okay what is it though?" Chaerin asked surprised.

"Yup tell us unnie." Minzy said.

"Okay guys! We need to help Jiyong and Dara together don't you think they look perfect?" Bom said with a big smile.

"Sure, why not?" Minzy said excitedly.

"Yup, I can't wait to play cupid let's start already!" Chaerin said happily.

"Okay come on we have to go to Tabi's room the others except Jiyong and Dara will be there." Bom said.

"But, what if one of them or both of them find out? They might think we're avoiding them or something." Minzy said worriedly.

"Oh you don't need to worry about that! We'll make sure their not here, Dara's gone to this amusement park and I sent Jiyong there too so atleast they might bump into each other right?" Bom said smiling.

"Oh unnie your really a cupid!" Chaerin said giggling.

"I know right girls now come on let's go!" Bom said happily.

Dara's P.O.V

Omo, isn't that the dragon? Kekekke correction Jiyong, what is he doing here in the same place as me? Oh wait Bommie, I'm going to kill her!

Anyways I hope I don't bump into the dragon!^_^

"Hey what are you doing dreaming Dara?" Jiyong asked with a smirk really close to my face as if we were going to kiss.

Omo omo, Sandara Park don't get into those thoughts you pervert >.<

"Oh nothing Jiyong, what are you doing here?"

"Oh I don't know Bom noona just sent me here."

That Bommie! I'm going to kill her already!

"Oh okay then bye!"

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