Chapter 6: disoriented

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When Jimin finishes his story, the sun is no longer in the sky and he has to flick on the overhead lights to illuminate the room. In the stark fluorescence, Namjoon looks solemn.

“He left after that, didn’t he?”

Jimin shakes his head. “Not yet.... He did his best to make himself scarce though. He was trying to protect me from my own desires.”

“You seem to think that he makes every decision with the thought of protecting you in mind.”

“He does.”

“So what happened when he found you with Hoseok?”

Jimin snorts at the thought.

When Yoongi found him with Hoseok, that’s when everything truly fell apart.



To say that this dinner is awkward would be the biggest understatement of Jimin’s life. Seated across from Jung Jieun, Yoongi’s wife and Hoseok’s older sister, Jimin finds himself at a complete loss for words.

“I’m glad Hoseok-ah has finally made a decent friend to bring around,” she says, smiling around her chopsticks. She shoots a glance towards her brother who looks beyond annoyed at the situation.

Noona,” Hoseok warns.

Jimin doesn’t blame him really. The last hour has been the strangest culmination of events.

Yoongi had stood agape in the doorway to Hoseok’s room, staring at them entwined on the bed. He was still dressed for work, glasses perched on his nose with a suitable jacket on over his button down. But his careful aesthetic was in sharp contrast to the absolute horror in his eyes.

Pissed, Hoseok had carefully pushed Jimin off of him and proceeded to get into a screaming match with his brother-in-law about boundaries and privacy. Jimin had watched in a stupor as Hoseok kept getting in Yoongi’s space, pushing at his shoulders and poking his finger into his chest, while Yoongi simply stood his ground and cursed with the proclivity of a sailor. Both men’s gazes would occasionally drift over to Jimin and it was then that Jimin truly realized the meaning behind his current predicament.

In Yoongi’s eyes was a fierce and undying protectiveness, one Jimin understood far too well; in Hoseok’s eyes was a certain territorial dominance, a fear of being overpowered. And in the middle was Jimin, tied to both men with secrets strung like tight-wire between them, ready to snap.

Was it wrong of him to fear Yoongi’s opinion of Hoseok practically dating him? Was it wrong that he didn’t want Hoseok to know about his past with Yoongi?

Was it wrong of Jimin to let them fight it out until they all heard Jieun arrive home and declare that she brought dinner?

“Do we have a guest? I see another pair of shoes here.” Her melodic voice had floated down the hall so innocuously but Jimin felt like a noxious gas had tightened his lungs.

Before any of them could even move, Jieun had already made her way into Hoseok’s room where she stopped and looked Jimin over with a questioning glance.

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