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        There I sat in my mothers office in front of my parents being lectured once again. Apparently I had been acting disrespectful to my mother and that I wasn't grateful for my dad always letting me use his car. It's not like I was intentionally trying to disrespect my mother or that I wasn't grateful for the car, of course I was grateful not everyone my age has a car. Then my mother stated droneing on about how I've changed. 

       "Where's my sweet little girl? I want her back. Your shutting all these people out and you've turned into such a cyncial person and so dark and it needs to stop. You need to change and stop burning all these bridges down." she went on.

        At this point I had enough, I stood up from my chair and went towards the door but before I left I turned around and said "Well may the bridges I burn light the way." then I stormed out. I was so sick and tired of people telling me who to be and how to act. I am who I am and I can't change that. I walked down the porch steps and got into the car and left. I had plans that night I was headed to a party with my best friend, Hope.

        Hope and I were complete opposites, which was great because we balanced each other out but it wasn't always great. Hope excelled in school and I was either average or below average. It was a big deal if I made honor roll but an everyday thing for Hope to be on the highsest honors. Most of the time it didn't bother me that Hope was smarter than me but sometimes it really got to me. Hope was waiting in the car while I talked with my parents. When I got in the car she didn't ask any questions or say anything she just let me listen to the radio and decompress. Once the song ended she spoke up.

        "You ok?"

        I sat there thinking about the question, "was I really ok?" I don't think I am to be honest.

        "Nat?" She called out snapping me out of my thoughts.

        "Yeah, I'm fine." I replied.

        We pulled up to our friend Laurens house it wasn't the best place ton throw a party because it's such a small house plus her Dad is a cop. He was away though helping another county out for the weekend. We opened the door to find the house empty.

        "Lauren?" I called out.

        "Up here!" her voice traveled from upstairs.

        We walked up the stairs into her room upstairs which wasn't messy for once, just cluttered. 

        "Where is everyone?" I asked plopping on the bed while Lauren did her hair,

        "Doesn't start till six" she replied.

        Hope threw bag on the floor, we were staying the night to help clean up tomorrow. Then the door bell rang.

        "It's only five thirty, who the hell shows up that early?" Hope said.

        "I dunno, Natalie could you answer it while I finish my hair?" She asked.

        "Sure." I said getting up. 

        I went to the door and opened it to see Liz standing in front of me, she was also staying over.

        I had an odd liking to Liz, sometimes I wanted to rip her throat out and other times I considered her as a close friend. She had a touch of aggarogance to her but who doesn't. She also had shaved half of her head in spite of a bad breakup but she also really didn't care what people thought about her and that was somewhat admirable.

        "Everyone's upstairs." I said while walking into the kitchen to grab a drink.

        "Little early to start drinking don't you think?" She smirked.

        I didn't really want her company right now, I just needed a minute to myself.

        "Just a soda." I replied filling my cup.

        Liz handed me her cup and I filled it.

        "So what's up with you?" She asked leaning against the sink.

        I gave her a puzzled look.

        "I dunno you just give off a weird vibe tonight." She said taking a sip of her drink.

        "Parents." I just said.

        "Ah I've been there, my dad and I fought all the time. Well when he was around we did." She looked at the ground as a silence started to form. "I'm gonna put my stuff upstairs." She said as she walked towards the stairs.

        "I'll be there in a minute, just gonan finish this." I said shaking my cup in my hands.

        "Kay." She said semi sadly.

        She was probably thinking about her dad, he left Liz and her mom when she was thirteen. Liz is fifteen now and I don't think she's coped with the fact that he's not coming back. She turned to drugs and alcohal after that and she's never been the same. I finished my drink and headed upstairs, I needed this party tonight badly. I just needed an escape from all the bullshit in my life for a little while.

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