Chaper 5 (bit blood)

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Ratchet transformed and you fell out. He was just in time to catch you. Otherwise you would have landed on the ground while he drove around fifty kilometres. The cons transformed too and start shooting more. Ratchet ran with you in his hands. "Optimus'' he called. ''Optimu-" he tried again but was interrupted by a broken connection noise. ''My connection is disconnected'' ratchet yelled as he dodged. You looked around him as you saw one cons stand still and shoot again. It hit Ratchet in his back as he got fired away. This time you fell into the ground. A light scratch on your face. You slowly got up but a large hand grabbed you. One of the cons had grabbed you. The other con kept shooting on Ratchet. "Let go of me'' you said as you slammed your hands against his big one. ''Y/n! let go of her!" Ratchet yelled angry as his hands transformed to blades and destroyed the con. Now it was just him and the con who was holding you.

The con his fingers were digging into your skin. Ratchet didn't wait a second and slashed his blade against the cons head. But what Ratchet didn't saw was that the con pinched his finger in you. Creating a wound in your side. You grinned your teeth. That definitely was a bit painful. Ratchet held you in his hands. "Y/n! Are you alright?" He asked. You could tell him you were hurt but then he would freak out. "No just a scratch here and there" you said as you rubbed your cheek. "Are you alright?" You asked as you checked him for any wounds. "I'm fine. We should go back to base" ratchet said as he placed you down and transformed. You got in. Holding your side with one hand to stop the bleeding.

You stepped out when you both were in base. Ratchet transformed. "What happened? The connection broke" arcee asked. "There was a error in my system when the con hit me" ratchet said as he start fixing the problem. You threw your backpack to miko and Jack. And giving raf his sandwich. "Thank you Y/n" raf said. You smiled and nodded. "Oh and wait, I got something for you" raf said as he took a band aid from his pocket. You kneeled down at his high as he placed the band aid on your cheek. "Thanks raf" you said as you walked away. "Thanks y/n" jack yelled from the couch. Miko held her thumb up.

You had to look at the damage on your side. "Where's the first aid kit?" You asked. "Uhm under the staircase" bulkhead said. "Alright" you said as you got the aid kit. "Why?" Bulkhead said turning. "Err let's keep it with cons their fingers are sharp" you said. Miko was already at your side. "Dude you are bleeding" miko said as she lifted up your shirt. "Ai" jack said. "Y/n you told me you wern't hurt" ratchet said. "I said some scratches here and there" you said. "Let us help" jack said as he grabbed a bandage and ointment. You held your shirt up. Revieling the wound. "Alright this is going to sting a bit" jack said. "Go for it" you said. Ratchet watched closely. Jack carefully lubricated some ointment over the wound.

Then miko wrapped the bandage around your middle. "All patched up" miko said. You pulled back your shirt. "Thanks" you said. With some help from miko you got to the couch. "Y/n" Optimus said as he walked towards you. "You should be honest about your wounds" Optimus said. "I'm sorry. I just didn't wanted to panic you guys" you said. Looking at Ratchet.

Word count 627

Transformers Prime Ratchet X Human Fluff (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now