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One of Rosalie's favourite subjects was English. She didn't, however, like the teachers or the idea of the new semester. Lydia wasn't in this class, which meant she had to mingle with people she didn't want to mingle with. However, when she walked into the class, the thought of mingling with people left her mind and it was replaced with thoughts of confusion.

When she saw him her breath got stuck in her throat, almost making her choke. Her face instantly paled as he turned her way, making eye contact. His eyes went wide as if he was surprised she had even looked in his direction. She recognised him as one of the boys from her dream due to his messy hair and uneven jaw. She had never seen him before, but that was probably because she was usually oblivious to people who weren't friends with her or Lydia, and yet he was sitting in her English class.

"Miss Morett? Are you going to sit down?" The teacher's voice made her break eye contact with the boy. She was sure she was blushing in embarrassment.

"Yes, sorry." She mumbled, quickly sitting down in the nearest empty seat, which was luckily behind the boy on the next row. Her head started pounding as the class showed their excitement for God knows what.

"As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night. And I'm sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining this semester." A chorus of groans and sighs were heard throughout the room at the teacher's words. Rosalie's father had mentioned a murder, but she hadn't bothered to look more into it. She just hoped it wouldn't be a long investigation and they caught whoever had done it quickly.

She tried to listen to the teacher as he started the first class of the year, but she was too busy trying to figure out why a boy she had never noticed before was in her nightmare. Maybe she really was oblivious to the world around her. She hadn't even noticed the hazel-eyed boy with the buzz cut who had been staring at her in awe ever since she walked through the door.

Rosalie was one of the first students to exit the room after the class ended, her feet dragging her out quickly. She had started to get claustrophobic as the minutes went by, her body feeling as though it was burning up.

She let out a breath she hadn't realised she was holding in when she got to her locker, thankfully calming down. She entered her combination and pulled her folder out.

Rosalie knew that class would get boring. The only exciting thing that happened was when the new girl walked in. She had noticed the boy from her nightmare give her a pen, to which she looked confused but thanked him anyway. Rosalie figured that he was probably weird, but not that weird. The girl's name was Allison Argent. The name had rung a bell in Rosalie's mind, but she chose to ignore it as the two girls shared short smiles. She knew how horrible and daunting it was to be the new girl, so she wanted to be friendly towards her in hopes it would help.

She slammed her locker closed and stuffed the folder into her bag. She had a free period next, meaning Lydia would probably drag her to the lacrosse field to watch Jackson practice. Speaking of Lydia, she could see her walk towards her down the corridor.

"There's a new girl," Lydia said, looking behind Rosalie to see Allison at her own locker. "I think we should befriend her."

"I don't see why not," Rosalie shrugged, putting her bag back on her shoulder. Lydia smiled and made her way over to the tall girl, pulling Rosalie along with her.

"That jacket is absolutely killer. Where'd you get it?" Lydia asked her, wiring her hair around.

"My mother was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco." The shy girl replied.

"And you are our new best friend," Rosalie smiled. Allison smiled at the brunette girl, only for her face to distort in discomfort as Lydia locked lips with Jackson who had joined the three girls.

As Jackson had joined the group, Scott McCall was watching them. He was more specifically watching Allison. He could see that she was being dragged into a friendship with Lydia Martin and Rosalie Morett, lowering his chances of ever being able to speak to her. He sighed, not surprised that a beautiful girl like her would catch the attention of the popular, pretty people. Maybe he still had a chance though.

"Can someone tell me how the new girl is here all of five minutes, and she's already hanging out with Lydia and Rosalie?" A girl asked, sharing the same thought process as Scott.

"Because she's hot. Beautiful people tend to herd together." His best friend, Stiles, spoke as if the answer was obvious. Scott rolled his eyes with a playful smile on his face as he watched his best friend drool over Rosalie. He zoned out of the conversation between the girl and Stiles, being uninterested in their bickering.

"So, there's a party this weekend," Jackson mentioned, Scott hearing their conversation.

"A party?" Allison asked, still shy.

"Yeah, this Friday. You should totally come!" Rosalie smiled at her new friend, hoping she wouldn't have to third wheel with Jackson and Lydia again.

"Uh, I can't. It's family night this Friday. Thanks for asking, though." Scott frowned, thinking his hopes were deteriorating with her.

"You sure? Everyone will most likely be going after the game." Rosalie frowned, pouting.

"You mean like football?" Jackson scoffed at Allison, rolling his eyes.

"Football's a joke in Beacon. The sport here is Lacrosse. We've won the state championship for the past three years." He stated, pride seeping from him into the air.

"Because of a certain team captain." Lydia beamed at her boyfriend, her eyes gleaming at him.

"Well, practice starts in a few minutes. You should come and check it out with us if you're free?" Rosalie asked, already linking arms with the tall girl.

"Well, I was going to-" Allison started, only to be cut off by Lydia.

"Perfect, you're coming." She smiled, linking arms with her on the other side. The three girls walked away from the lockers behind Jackson, leaving Scott to feel even more nervous about his Lacrosse tryout.

Beauty Of Becoming ♡ Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now