The 1st Session

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"This is what's best for us!"

"No, Yunho, it's what's best for you! You only think about yourself."

"Who pays the bloody bills, you freeloader?!" Yunho spat, finding self-control to prevent himself from kicking the nearest object. The blaring lights of the reception area made him feel fuzzy and irritated. Why were they so bright?!

Wooyoung huffed and folded his arms indignantly. He settled further into the soft armchair in the waiting area. But what was it that they were waiting for? Clearly it was the couple counselling programme. The reception area was buzzing with morning visitors who were meeting with their counsellors to 'find the love' once again. In this particular couple's case, they'd have to search very deep to locate the dregs of what remained of a once fruitful relationship. "Yeah, well...Who is it who feeds the dog? Me."

Yunho shot his husband a glare to silence a stupid argument. That was all that they ever used to be - stupid arguments. But now, they weren't so stupid. Wooyoung didn't want to go to counselling and Yunho, who had been the one to suggest it, was left trying to drag the purple-haired man to attend. In truth, Yunho didn't want to do it either. He didn't particularly want to salvage a relationship with Wooyoung but he knew that the divorce would be expensive, leading him to the last resort of couple therapy.

"Who even is our counsellor? Probably some high-class snot with a better place to be," the younger man muttered bitterly, frowning to himself. There were two types of couples passing by: those who had been saved and those who had been destroyed. The happy faces passing by far outweighed the distant, defeated ones who stood as far away from their partners as possible.

Yunho and Wooyoung were sitting close enough that they could hear each other but far enough away that they could curse the other under their breath. Their first session was today. Choi San was the name of their counsellor, and as easily as the name rolled off Yunho's tongue, he already hated it. The man would either bring them together or tear them further apart. A divorce was the most logical option, but as mentioned, he didn't want to go through the financial steps to separate.

"When can we go in? I'm supposed to get a manicure after lunch."

"Yeah. With my money," the tall brunette grumbled and gripped his knees tightly. It was only nine o'clock in the morning but it felt much earlier. Sleep hadn't come easily to the couple last night when they knew that there would be a session today, so the burn of slight exhaustion pulled at him from the pits of where it came from.

"For god's sake, this was your idea in the first place! Don't give me such lip!"

"Then how about you stop sneaking into my bank account?! It isn't even subtle!" He stood up and paced around the armchair that he had been seated on. A small coffee table stood in front of it and he felt like lifting it up and throwing it at his husband. But he didn't.

"You're such a stingy buyer that most of that money doesn't even see the light of day! I was just-"

"Just thieving me."

Wooyoung shut up after that and looked bitterly at his knees. There wasn't much that could battle such a blatant truth. He sighed and crossed one leg over the other as Yunho paced aimlessly. The area they were in looked more like a hotel reception than a counselling building.

"You know what?" The taller man finally decided. "I'm going to see what the bloody hold up is." He headed over to the desk, where a woman was typing away on her computer. She looked up at him expectantly and adjusted her glasses.

"How can I help you?"

He placed his hands on her desk and leaned forward slightly in a nervous hurry. "We were supposed to meet Choi San ten minutes ago. When is he ready?"

𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙢𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙮𝙚 | yunwoosanWhere stories live. Discover now