UK Here i Come

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 “OK, im all packed!” I called downstairs, trying to drag my huge suitcase out of my bedroom.

Not only did I pack my entire wardrobe, I used the last few weeks payments to buy even more clothes. Working minimum wage at Chick-fil-a doesn’t exactly get you designer clothes, but I was still satisfied with my brand new look.

This was going to be the best trip of my life. We have an Aunt that lives in the UK so we are going to visit her for a whole month. She has a house (or flat as they call in over there) in London, so we are staying with her.

Not only was I excited to spend most of my summer in London, some one else was excited to be there too. Ever heard of the band One direction? If the answer is no, just stop reading right now because I don’t want you clogging up my wattpad page. If the answer is yes, then you understand my complete and total obsession with 5 gods.

In simple words, I am a fangirling potato. My tumblr blog; dedicated to 1D. My twitter; dedicated to 1D. My bedroom walls; dedicated to 1D.

Anyways, they are off tour this summer, and back in the UK. Even Niall was staying with Liam so I was going to be in the same country as One Direction for an entire month.

 I spent more nights than im am willing to admit, dreaming about randomly walking around London and running in Harry Styles.

“What are you smiling about?” My mom asked, holding her carry on in one hand, and her suitcase in the other.

“You don’t even know how excited I am to go to London. This is going to be the trip of a lifetime!” I squealed, dancing to the car.

“Thank you so much for graduating!” I yelled behind me, talking to Alexandra. The whole reason we were going on this huge trip, is a graduation present for my older sister.

“Let’s go people! I wanna get there as fast as possible!”

One by one, our family of 5 piled into the mini- van, and we drove off. Of course we had to go back 3 separate times because my mom left her toothbrush, Alexandra left her camera, and Katie left her cell phone.

Once we finally arrived at the airport, which was conveniently an hour away, we only had a half hour before our plane left. This didn’t leave much time for security and baggage, so by the time we were cleared, our plane was boarding. We made it just in time.

I tensed up in my seat, flying always scared the crap out of me, but once we were in the air, I was beaming. We were actually on our way to London. I reclined my seat as far as I could, before plugging in my ipod and falling asleep to “I wish”.


“Passengers, please lock your seat in the upright position, and buckle your seat belt. Atlanta to London flight will be landing in approximately 20 minutes. Thank you so much for flying with Delta.” The pilot said over the intercom.

I was bouncing in my seat so much I was getting weird stares from the other passengers. Sitting in once place for nine hours straight really makes you antsy. It was 10 pm in London, so the city skyline light up the night and from what I could see out of the tiny plane window, the city was beautiful.

From the moment we landed till we pulled up to Aunt Cathy’s house, I was running back and forth taking pictures of everything from the timeless architecture to an empty water bottle that fell out of the trash. I talked to at least 8 different strangers during the walk between baggage claim and the exit.  After the 12th person I complimented solely for their accent, my mother all but tied me on a leash.

 Aunt Cathy was waiting on the porch, swinging on a little bench with my Uncle Greg. Their flat was a two story ranch house. It was light blue with white trim around the windows and door. Their front yard was no larger than our kitchen table, but was occupied with a neat little garden, all the flowers in full bloom.

“What a beautiful home!” My mother explained embracing her sister.

“Thank you so much, love.” Aunt Cathy said in her beautiful accent, “I do try hard to keep the flowers nice. Thank you so much for visiting me! I always love seeing our family.”

“Its great to see you too! Greg, looking good!” My mom said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“Now look at my three beautiful nieces. You guys have gotten so big! Come give your favorite aunt a big old hug.”

She grabbed Katie first, then Alexandra wishing them welcome. Once she got to me, she paused for a second.

“Is this? Don’t tell me this is Rebecca!” She gasped, pulling me in a lung crushing hug. “Last time I saw you, your hair was all the way up to your ears and stick straight! Now look at it, dark brown, long, and curly! How beautiful!”

She twisted her fingers around one of my ringlets, smiling hugely.

“Thank you so much! I started growing my hair out a few years ago, and the more it grew, the more it curled. “

But look at yourself! You’re looking so young, what skin cream are you using because its working wonders.” I laughed, playfully hitting her shoulder.

My Aunts and Uncles loved all of us equally, and us they, but Aunt Cathy and i clicked so well. We were like two peas in a pod, which is while I always loved when she came to visit. We had that connection that made her seem like my best friend and not a distant relative.

“You’re too sweet, love. Now lets get you guys inside and settled down. I;m quite sure there’s a lot you’ll want to see tomorrow, and it wont be fun unless you get a good nights sleep.”

She ushered us inside where we unpacked all of our things and chose sleeping arrangements. Once we finished, mom and dad fell asleep instantly. Katie wandered over to the T.V. to watch a foreign show, but Alexandra and I sat in the kitchen with Aunt Cathy and Uncle Greg catching up.

“So what grades are you guys in?” She asked, making us some tea on the stove.

“Well, I graduated this past spring, and will be a freshman in collage come September. And Rebecca is going from junior to senior year in high school.” Alexandra explained.

“My babies are getting so old,” Aunt Cathy said, pouting slightly. “But you girls have turned into beautiful women. Although I would never have guessed you were sisters.”

Me and Alexandra looked at each other and laughed. We get that a lot. She was tall, had a slim figure and straight brown hair. Hundreds of freckles lined her bright blue eyes, and thick black lashed completed the look. Frankly, she could walk into Vogue Italia and get a job on the spot. She had the exact build of a model, not to mention the beauty.

I, on the other hand, was 5’2 with a medium frame, I wasn’t fat, but you wouldn’t see me on a runway anytime soon. I had curly dark brown hair, and dull green eyes. I was completely freckle-less, although I was much tanner than her.

“You guys may look really different, but are both stunning. Has any boy back home caught your fancy?” She asked, wriggling an eyebrow.

“Ha, our beauty queen over here has Jackson wrapped around her finger.” I laughed, playfully elbowing Alexandra, “But I am destined to live a life alone.”

“Oh don’t say that, dear. One day a boy will come along and sweep you off your feet.”

“Yeahh, I don’t know if there will be room for him with all my future cats in the house..” I joked.

We spent the night laughing and joking talking about school and life. When the grandfather clock in the living room struck midnight, Uncle Greg insisted we get some sleep.

With one last hug and kiss on the cheek, we headed of to bed. I closed my eyes and smiled. London get ready, here I come. 

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