Chapter 10

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To say things had changed would be an understatement. Word got out about Blair and Chuck's little affair. Whether people envied the drama I had in my life or pitied me, I didn't know. All I knew was that was suddenly the most popular girl in school and Blair- well her social life was struggling. Honestly, I didn't care enough to give two damns about destroying it, but it seemed Jenny did. And well, if the girl's want to play who am I to stop them?

Okay, yes. Maybe I could stop them and I was choosing not to. But it wasn't my problem anymore. She made her choice the day she slept with my boyfriend.

"Hey A, are we still going shopping after school?" Izzy asked, walking up to me.

"Of course, I need some sort of worthy outfit to wear for my mother's little party she's having." I sighed.

"Little? It's going to be jam packed with the hottest designers to date." Claudia squealed.

"Yes, but there's also going to be the skanks that try and weasle their way back to the top." Jenny pointed out as Blair walked past.

Blair stopped and turned around, obviously hearing the comment. I pursed my lips together and held in a laugh. Blair looked at me with disbelief and I just shrugged my shoulders, laughing.

"Yeah, well. That's why I'm glad I have you guys there." I grinned and linked arms with Jenny.

"Speaking of skanks..." Izzy trailed off and looked in the direction of Samantha.

"Why is she still around?" I asked with an eyeroll. I walked up to her and flashed her a smile since the teacher was looking. I slyly tripped her up and Claudia caught her by her backpack. "Carefull Samantha, you don't want to be falling into the wrong crowd now."

Me and the girls walked away from her, giggling together. We got to the courtyard and Chuck stood looking right at us, at me. "Are you okay?" Jenny whispered in my ear, so that the other girls wouldn't hear. I just nodded my head in answer and pretended to be deeply engrosed in a coversation with the girls as Chuck walked over.

"A, can we talk?" Chuck asked.

I looked at him and titled my head to the side. "Of course, what is it?"

"I wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you-"

"I'm not hurt. In fact I'm fine. Don't flatter yourself Chuck, if I was hurt I'd be crying. Do I look upset to you?" I ranted, completely cutting him off. "As far as I'm concerned you were just a big part of my downwards spiral. But finally, I've seen the light. Thank you for helping me with that, now if you'll excuse me. I don't want to be late for class." I finished and pushed my way past him.

"If you're not upset then why are you ignoring Blair?" Chuck asked, making me stop and everyone look our way. Including Blair, Nate and Serena.

"Because...I don't associate myself with skanks." i told him and avoided eye contact with anyone as I stormed to my next class.

You know things are bad when class is your saviour. But it was music and I could really just get on with writing a song right now. Music went by quite smoothly. There were no distractions or interruptions, everyone seemed content with leaving me alone. Maybe it was because they'd never really seen this side of me? Even before dad left I wasn't an outright bitch, I was a subtle bitch but it runs in my family so I can't really be blamed.

"If you push any harder on that key it's gonna break." Jenny said. "And class has ended."

I quickly let go of the piano and looked up at Jenny. "Of course." I nodded and stood up, grabbing my bag. I flashed her a quick, fake smile before walking out.

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