Chapter Three

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Once the SharkTrolls entered Techno Reef, the Techno Trolls looked the all frightened like. They are huge compared by an adult Troll, they have razor shard teeth that can easily rip the meat off of bones, and they look extremely tough and means serious business. Everyone backed away from the Sharks so they don't get them mad. Coral even hide behind his mother for protection and have his dad put his hand on his shoulder. Everyone then gathered around the castle for King Trollex to tell his people the news of these new Trolls...

King Trollex: My people, I know you are curious and frightened about these new Trolls that are behind me

The crowd starts to murmur in agreement. King Trollex continues...

King Trollex: These are known as SharkTrolls. And no, they don't seem to be from the Shark Kingdom, but they have been living in a cave here, in Techno Reef. When I found them last night, I felt bad for them when they have to live alone in a dark cave. So, I decided to take them in, and have them live in Techno Reef with us

Everyone started to act surprised, but weren't unsure if it was a good idea...

King Trollex: Now, meet Techno Reef's royal guards: The Hammerheads, the muscles...

Tank and his brethren waved at everyone with a smile

King Trollex: The Makos, the scouts...

Zips and his Makos gave everyone a friendly smile

King Trollex: The Nurses, the healers...

Tide and his Nurses gave out a small smile and wave

King Trollex: And finally, meet the  captain of the royal guard, Captain Torrent, the Great White

Torrent swam next to the king and looked and gave everyone a courageous smile. He held up his trident and looked at the Techno Trolls of the Reef. He could never been more happy when him and his SharkTrolls can finally have and live in an actual home. Torrent then gave his speech...

Torrent:  I trained my men to be protective and fighting machines. We protect ourselves, but it is my greatest honor to protect and to serve you all. *looked at Trollex and kneeled down* Especially for the king of Techno Reef

Then all the Techno Trolls and the SharkTrolls then kneeled for their king. The Techno Trolls thought that they showed kneel too, since the SharkTrolls are doing it. The SharksTrolls smiled in happiness

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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