"Are you going to let him go anytime soon? The doors are closed, he's not going to run away."

"Shut up, witch. Mind your own business." Yoongi huffed, stroking the jet black fur. The pup was having trouble staying awake because of the soothing feeling.

"Hey, this is my house too. If we're keeping a wolf, it is my business." Seokjin deadpanned while folding his arms over his chest. The king rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to my kingdom to get a strong animal for him to nurse from. He needs the nutrients." Yoongi muttered.

Wolves from the fictional world were more fortunate than most other creatures. They were usually stronger, faster, and lived longer. Not only that, but orphaned pups could consume the milk of any mammal and still get the proper nutrients they needed to grow healthy and strong.

Their mother's milk was obviously more beneficial, but if she was no longer available, any mammal's milk would make a perfectly good substitute. Other animals in this world didn't have this adaptation, so orphans would have to nurse from another mother of the same species or starve to death.

"How old is he?" Seokjin murmured, gently caressing the pup's head.

"Can't be much older than a week. I'd estimate the mother died a few days after he was born." Yoongi murmured.

"Were there any others?"

"No. If there were, they're gone."

"Any sight of another wolf around? Maybe the father? Or a pack?" Seokjin questioned.

"No. Even if there were, he's not going back out there. He won't survive." Yoongi shook his head. Seokjin was very familiar with the stubborn tone the vampire was using. There was no way he was changing his mind about this.

"Alright, fine. I'll fix him a place to rest and you can go get the-"

"Woah, woah, woah. I don't think so, witch. He's coming to the kingdom with me."

"And why is that?" Seokjin quirked a brow.

"Because I don't want him out of my sight- because I need him there so someone can recommend which animal he should drink from." Yoongi cut his original statement off, speaking through gritted teeth.

"Well, that's fucking bullshit. You and I know that wolves can drink from any animal. You wouldn't need to bring him to test out which milk is the best for him. They're all the same. Honestly, this just sounds to me like you're atta-"

"Shut up, Seokjin. I'm very close to cutting out your tongue."

"Whatever. If you insist, just take him with you." Seokjin waved him off. "I'm going to my library. Be back in time for dinner."

Yoongi muttered something under his breath as he stood up with the pup in his arms. He took the towel off him and replaced it with a warm blanket. He held the whelp close to him and he stepped back outside.

While Yoongi started his journey back to his kingdom, Seokjin ran his finger over the spines of his books, searching for a certain title. He made a sound of satisfaction when he found the one he was looking for. He only read it once, but he was sure there was something in here that sounded a lot like what was happening to Yoongi.

He pulled it off the shelf and coughed when loose dust tickled his throat. He wiped it off with his sleeve and swept some empty glass vials aside to make room for it on his workbench. He set it down and flipped through the pages.

"C'mon, I know it's here somewhere." He mumbled to himself. He kept turning the old, yellowing pages. "Aha!"

Under a wolf and vampire section, he skimmed the information provided. According to research, vampires can develop a very strong attachment to wolves, even though it's more common for the two to be enemies of each other. This must be what was going on with Yoongi. Seokjin was about to pat himself on the back for remembering this until he saw the next part.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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