JongSang (End)

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~ Wedding Day ~
- (Months Later) -

"What if he says I don't or his dad objects?" Yeosang was pacing around the room thinking of many 'what ifs' and 'buts' he was really nervous. He shouldn't be so stressed about something he's been thinking about for who knows how long. When Jongho proposed, he almost fainted, luckily when he looked into the latter's eyes he felt safe and calm, all the nerves washed away. But right now? Right now Yeosang was munching on a cookie with millions of thoughts clouding his head. Caught off guard the door opened and in came Jongho's older sister Minnie. "Nervous?" Yeosang spun around looking at the entrance. "You know you could have knocked." The boy stated. "Where's the fun in that?" Minnie moved towards the shaking male and places her hands on his shoulders. "Are you okay?" "Yes, just a bit scared?" "Why would you be scared?" "Well what if-" The boy was cut off. "No- don't answer that
" "Bu-" Yeosang was cut off once again. "No buts." Minnie took the sweet treat from the shorters hands and straighten out his dress, as they walked over to the mirror. "Normally, someone would give you a talk about why you shouldn't be worried and how you'll be okay blah blah, but-" The black haired girl paused. "B-but?" They stood in front of the door. "We don't have time because the doors are opening-" Minnie ran away and before the other could let out a word the doors opened along with the flowers hanging from them. Yeosang slowly walked through the entryway and onto the white carpet. As he got closer and closer to the podium his heart started to race. A little smile formed in the corner of Jongho's lip as Yeosang came closer and closer to the younger. Jongho was admiring the handsome boy that now appeared in front of him. Both exchanged calming looks and held hands. The priest began speaking as the two boys stared into one another's eyes. "Do you Choi Jongho take Kang Yeosang to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The said male took a deep breath and smiled. "I do." "And do you Kang Yeosang take Choi Jongho to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Yeosang showed a similar smile to the latter before saying, "I do." "You may now share a kiss." Jongho smirked and pulled the taller by his waist titling his body slightly and kissing him. The crowd cheered as Yeosang's face grew red from the gesture. Jongho kissed Yeosang once again and walked down the isle with everyone following behind.

Yeosang was changed out of his dress and into a cute white suit while he stood near the dessert table. Jongho came from behind the older and wrapped his arms around his waist once again. "You look really handsome in that suit, but I kind of miss the dress." Yeosang turned around and punched the younger lightly in his arm blushing. "Well I didn't want to get such a beautiful dress dirty now wouldn't I?" "True...but.." "But what?" "Whatever you changed into would have gotten dirty anyways." Yeosang glared. "What are you implying?" "You'll find out later, for now let's just go dance." Jongho smiled cheekily and took Yeosang's hand leading him onto the dance floor where they danced for half of the night. The now married couple walked onto the stage. The smaller took the mic and held it in front of Yeosang. "Thank you all for coming to our wedding and thank you to everyone who brought a gift. I want to say how much I love everyone and this day has been so amazing! And I hope it has been for everyone aswell. Remember to enjoy the music and the food and drinks are over there. Yeosang blew the crowed a kiss and then kissed his husband's cheek before walking off the stage with him. The couple wondered over to the cake. Jongho dipped his finger in the cake icing and was about to place it on Yeosang's nose, but the boy grabbed icing first and placed it on Jongho's cheek. Jongho stood in shock and wiped his finger on Yeosang's cheek aswell. "We should go home, there's a little surprise for you there." Yeosang smiled knowingly and took the others hand. "Let's go then." Jongho used a napkin to wipe the icing off of both of their faces and nodded before following Jongho to the car.

As soon as they arrived home Yeosang kissed Jongho shortly running up the stairs with a smirking raven haired boy following behind. They both walked into their bedroom. Yeosang initiated another quick kiss, but Jongho pulled the blonde back into a longer sloppier kiss kicking the door closed behind him. Yeosang smiled after Jongho pulled away. "I love you." "I love you too."


The end!

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