Hunters Vs The Hunted - Kill The Evil

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Lance POV - Approximately 2 weeks later
I sat down on a chair inside of our temporary Kyoroku headquarters. After I had... Decorated... The town with Seryu's head, the Empire's guardsmen were understandably on edge, so the assassination that night had to be called off. My allies were angry at my brash decision, but they understood. They knew how much it meant to finally put Sheele's murderer down. The unrest within my body had been getting worse by the day, and I had a feeling it would reach it's breaking point soon. Lilac had been constantly warning me about how dangerous the dragon Shiro was, and that using Dragon Driver would cause him to awaken faster. I tried not to think too hard about it, because a dragon of light would be honourable, right? Then why was Lilac so adamant about him being evil? I looked down at my right hand, the boiling in my blood occurring again. 'Just what am I, really?' I was distracted when someone's arms snaked around my neck and pulled by head back into a soft embrace. I made a soft, happy sound before saying her name. "Akame." I closed my eyes and let her hug me for a while. It was nice. She was warm, and I felt safe and comforted in her arms, like she'd take on the world to protect me. And, given half the chance, she probably would.
"The boss finally has a new plan for attacking Bolic." I opened my mis-matched eyes and turned my gaze upwards to look at my fiancée.
"Finally. I was starting to get antsy, sitting around like this... But getting to spend time with you is never bad." I smiled as she leaned down to kiss me. Once we separated I stood up, and headed into the main room. Everyone greeted me as I walked in. I took a look at the maps we had drawn up of Kyoroku. "Hmm... Is using Air Manta really such a good idea? We know Run is in the area, and he can take it out from the sky if need be." I looked up at Najenda who began to stroke her chin with her metal hand.
"Maybe not, but it's the only chance we've really got. This is the only way we'll be able to take out Bolic easily." I sighed. I guess she was right, if we tried any other way then we would get slaughtered by Esdeath. My dragon driver wasn't powerful enough to wipe her out, either. I learned that it was boosted by my emotions both times I had used it, allowing it to become far more powerful. On it's own, it was really just a stronger version of a rifle. But if I equipped it with my emotions in overdrive like that, then the raw power could consume my entire body, which is why I only had five seconds to fire it the first time I used it. "Alright. I just pray that everything goes smoothly."
As everyone dispersed from the room, I found myself sat with Lubbock, who seemed really happy for once.
"Hey Lubb, what's with the dumb grin on your face? Usually you're complaining about hot chicks or whatever." I poked fun at my green haired friend, but it was genuinely nice to see him smile like that.
"Well... I don't have to worry about that. I finally found someone." I was caught off guard, and started coughing.
"No way?! You? YOU got a girlfriend?" I said in between coughs.
"Yeah, I know right? I never thought I stood a chance in hell... But she ended up growing feelings for me too. I was amazed." As I settled down from my coughing fit, I smiled gently at the man who was like my brother.
"I'm happy for you. Really. So who's the unlucky girl?" Before he could start though, a cat jumped onto his lap and curled up. I shrugged at him, and went to grab myself a drink of water. As I returned though, who should I see but Chelsea, lying her head on his lap. I raised my glass towards the both of them and sat down again. "So... Chelsea and Lubbock... How the hell did that happen?" I asked. Chelsea and Lubbock both started blushing from cheek to cheek after I asked them. For all his perverted talk, Lubbock was totally inexperienced.
"Well... When we ambushed the Jaegers, I wanted to go and kill Kurome after I had killed Bols. Lubbock stopped me though... He said it was too dangerous and that... He wouldn't forgive himself if I died, because he cared for me. He's a softie, really." Chelsea reached her hand up to her lover's cheek after she had finished. I closed my eyes and smiled. So Akame and I were no longer the only relationship in Night Raid...? I suppose it made sense. We're always fighting alongside eachother, of course our bonds would slowly trengthen.
"Lance... I have something I need to ask of you." Came the voice in my head.
'What is it now, Lilac?' I had grown irritated with her constant reminder to me that I shouldn't make a deal with the dragon.
"I know this is sudden, but I need you to procreate with Akame..."
'Procreate... WAIT, AS IN HAVE CHILDREN?!' I spat out the mouthful of water I had and started coughing.
"Hey, you okay buddy? That was sudden." Lubbock raised an eyebrow at my outburst, and I raised my hand to let him know I was fine. After I stopped coughing, and had collected myself, I went back to my internal conversation with Lilac.
'Why do you need me to have a kid with Akame now? You've never been so desperate before.'
"I... I can't explain. I just need you to do it. Don't you trust me? I've fought with you for many long years."
'I won't do it. Not until I feel that I'm ready, and until Akame let's me know that she wants it too. A child is a difficult thing to manage, and we're in the middle of a war.'
"Descendant. I urge you to reconsider!"
'No. That's final.'
"You'll regret this..." She snarled. That was so out of character for Lilac. Usually, she was aloof and calm... How peculiar...

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