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The week goes on pretty well. Melania had flyed to NY with her mom and I miss baby Lyric so much. The one day I spent with her made us bond so much. Today Ian asked me to report to his office at 6a.m. and I don't know why. This man keeps violating the employees policy when it comes to me. He doesn't do this to any other worker.

I enter his door and the offensive odour of cigarette mixed with alcohol hits my nose. I walk a bit further and I sight Ian sprawled out on the couch of his office cinema. Immediately he sees me,he sits up on the couch.

Who the hell smokes at 6a.m.? And without turning on the air purifying technology?

"Uh.. good morning sir?" I greet when I reach him.

He looks at me and nods his head in such a way you'd think it wants to fall off,and directed his eyes back to the TV screen where CNN was the current channel. And that's how I knew he was drunk. He sat while I stood idly for five minutes. And that five minutes was spent with Ian corking open another vodka bottle,and lighting another cigarette.

"You are smoking,sir,and- so early in the morning" I say and take a step back knowing Ian's anger always gets the best of him.

"Look,I didn't call you here to lecture me" He slurs but a tiny bit of authority was evident in his voice. "Get a pen and journal and take down this news as usual. Business insider is calling soon."

"Sure" I nod and make my way to his table to get the journal I use in writing articles everyday.

He lets me take a sit beside him because usually,he makes me go get another seat. I don't know if I'd transfer a strange infection to him by merely sitting near him. I tried to listen attentively but Ian's gagging and constant demonstration of 'wanting to throw up' makes me snatch the next bottle of beer he was about to cork open and smash it on the ground. It's then I realized he had already downed four and wanted to add one more. All of it,this morning.

"What do you think you're doing sir? You've emptied four bottles of alcohol, and cigarettes sticks are scattered across the floor. Do you want to kill yourself sir? It's too much alcohol for one morning sir. You have to stop!" I say firmly

"And who do you think you are to tell me what to do?" He slurs

"I am your worker. And I have every right to look out for my boss"

He staggers in front of me and points a finger trying to warn me but falls back into the couch

"I hate you females"

Woah,where is all this coming from?

I walk forward to meet him and squat down " Do you want to talk about it sir?"

"I hate you females" he slurs again.

"I know sir,but do you want to tell me why you hate us females?"

"None of your business"he barks

"Okay" I get up to back out

"That black evil lady,I hate her so much" he spat

I stop dead in my tracks as Ian uttered those words. Could he be referring to an ex of his. Ian told me he rather not date anyone. Wait,that doesn't mean he hasn't dated anyone. I go back to the couch where he is seated and sit next to him. He look over to me and turn his face away.

"She knows so well I haven't gotten over her,yet she keep uploading photos with my worst enemy" Ian speaks again

"But who is she?" I ask hoping I can get some information from a drunk Ian. He picks up his phone and enters his Instagram,typing in someone's name. He finds her and hands over his iPhone 11 pro max to me. His phone cover was black and had 'CEO' written in glittered letters. It's not my fault I happen to notice every single thing about Ian.

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