01. An Enemy of Edmund Creed

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CHAPTER 1: An Enemy of Edmund Creed

I looked up at Mom, indecision in my amethyst eyes and fuzzy uncertainty in my sunshine blonde waves. I inherited my short, thin figure from Mom. My brothers and I inherited my father's eyes-

"Maximus, goodness. Stop tearing up, Darling. She's only going to college. It's not like she's chosen to study in another country." Mom murmurs to him, he grunts in annoyance, pressing Mom closer into his side and connecting his forehead with her temple. He did this often when he was stressed.

I give him a small smile, "I'm not venturing off to Washington like Marvin, Dad. I'm still here, in London." I tell him, folding my arms.

He blinks twice, "Lord, you kids need to stop bloody well growing. It was honestly only yesterday you said my name for the first time and now you're off to college, getting your business degrees, even though you don't need them. Mathias, you're staying here with your Mom and I, right? Poppy, we need more kids." He turns to Mom, placing a hand on her abdomen, giving her a mirthful smile, like he was actually serious. I raise both eyebrows at his words, Mom whacks the upside of his head for good measure as my younger brother removes his newest Gucci earphones.

"Did you say something?" He asks, confused.

Dad facepalms, "This is ridiculous."

"I won't be gone forever, Dad. Just three years, and I'll visit often." I murmur, wrapping my arms around his waist, he places a kiss on my hairline, returning my hug and squeezing my shoulders. His embrace was warm and familiar, Dad has always been one for bear hugs.

"You're my only daughter and there are so many boys at that school, do they have an orientation for the parents of the students attending? I need a checklist of all the males you must stay away from...unless they're already taken. If they're taken, they don't need to be on the list, but their relationship must have lasted at least five years." He looks into my eyes, I tilt my head towards Mom, looking incredulous.

She places a kiss on Dad's cheek, before turning to me, "He's right though, you take after my looks and your father was constantly convinced I had created some mythical enchantment to attract more testosterone filled males. Gosh, he still is as delusional as he once was." She whispers to me, patting down my hair.

I sigh when Dad protests, "I am not and you did attract a lot of males, Poppy. Left, right and centre...I spend most of my life guarding you." He argues, she gives him a raised eyebrow, his gaze softens as he looks at Mom. Just the way he always does.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, honey." He whispers, lovingly.

I roll my eyes, "You guys smooch while I take your Maserati." I say over my shoulder, Dad pauses at my words,

"Hang on a minute, young lady. No, you can take your mother's midnight Bugatti Chiron. She gave me the Maserati on your-what was it? Their eighth Christmas, love?" He asks Mom, while I place another one of my bags in our main foyer.

Mom pats his suit-covered chest, "Tenth for Melanie and Marvin, eighth for Mathias, darling." She answers him, but steps over to me as her heels click along the tiled floor.

My eyes trail up to her when she helps me zip up my bag, "Remember, I showed you a few study plans and schedules for when you get your timetable," She whispers to me, patting down my hair, she closes her eyes and pulls me in for another embrace.

I wrap my arms tightly around her waist, "I'm going to miss the living stars out of you, my little dove." She whispers her nickname for me.

I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but I hear Dad's sniffle and I hold Mom tighter, swallowing deeply, "I'm going to miss you a thousand little orchids." I whisper, Mom begins to giggle as she tucks a stray strand of one of my curls behind my ear.

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