Chapter 1 (New Friends)

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1st Person P.O.V. (Harry Potter)
Italics: Thinking
Bold: Author Announcement

This is my first book and I hope you all enjoy. Please tell me if I misspell something or there is a grammer mistake. This will include Drarry and Nuna for sure. If you have other ships I should add comment them and I will consider putting them in. Enjoy the story! Also what should I call you readers?

I limped dragging my things behind me. Stupid Vernon! Stupid Muggles! I can't wait to get to Hogwarts! I see Hermione, Ron, and Neville comforting Ginny. I rush over, and then flinch in pain as my leg burns. I walk as fast as my leg allows me too.

"Ginny, what's wrong?" I ask concerned, as I walk up to them.

"Dean broke up with her. Said it wasn't working out," Ron replies for her.

"Oh my gosh Ginny. I am so sorry!" I whisper into her ear, as I hug her.

"Let's go and find a decent compartment on the train before it leaves," Hermione's voice enters my thoughts.

We follow her onto the train, and find a large compartment. We enter it and settle down. Over the summer I realized I was gay. I had never took any particular intrest in women. I just didn't realise until now. Should I tell them? Well I will if they don't support me, their loss. Right? I shake my head clearing my thoughts. I close the door. "I need to tell you guys something. I am not sure if this is a good idea, but I am gonna need to tell you sometime, so I chose now," I say in a hushed voice. They all nod urging me to continue. Maybe I should back out. No I can do this. "I.... I..... I'm gay," I blurt out.

Hermione whispers, "It's okay Harry we accept you as you are." Everyone nods, well except for Ron.

He starts screaming, "We kept you under my roof! That is bloody gross! Ugh. I am sorry it is just gross!"

I flinch back. I had a feeling this may happen, but not to this extreme. Ron leaves slamming the door behind him. Hermione all of a sudden jumps up and runs out. She runs off to her Prefect meeting. Now it is just Neville, Ginny, and I. All of a sudden a bang comes from the hall way. I jump at least a foot, and start whimpering. Ginny tries to calm me down, while Neville checks. He comes back in with 2 Slytherins.

"Okay I know we don't like them, but they have no where else to go, can we let them stay? Please Harry?" Neville asks gesturing to the Slytherins standing behind him.

I nod saying they can stay.

"Thank you so much. I am sorry for asking. It is just Dray went to the Prefect's room, and a group of Gryffindors forced us out. I am Pansy Parkinson, and this is Blaise Zabini," The girl with a black bob hair cut introduces herself, and gestures to the boy behind her. "Hey, I feel that our rivalry has been going on to long, and soon someone is gonna get really hurt, can we make a truce and maybe become friends?" She asks hesitantly.

I sit up carefully, and gulp. I already lost 1 friend to being gay. If I let them be my friend, I need to tell them, but I am scared. "I am okay with the truce, and I accept being friends, I kinda need some more seeing as I think I just lost Ron." I say looking at the ground. My feet have been very interesting this train ride.

"If you don't mind me asking what happened with the Weasel?" Pansy asks carefully choosing her words. I can tell she doesn't want to upset me.

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