Chapter 4: a Foxy Woman

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(First Person POV, (Y/N)-chan, after school)
After school I went to the ice cream shop as normal. Except it wasn't as normal because idiot Mikuo insisted he go with me. It doesn't matter how many times Kaiko, me or (BFF) tell him otherwise he insists that Len is a demon. Len isn't a demon, he's just a guy with a banana addiction. does Len eat anything that doesn't taste like a banana?

Soon though, Mikuo and his stupidity would be the least of my worries. He sits down at the table he and Kaiko always study at, and pulls out the creepy book we found, what 6-7 years ago?

"Mikuo, you still have that book?" I ask him, and before he can answer I continue with "That is seriously lame."

"Laugh now, but you won't be lugging once you're gobbled up by a demon," he says fully confident that I'll be eaten by a demon, and he's gonna laugh if that happens? Like I said, he's an idiot.

Kaito then comes down to study as I go back behind the counter, and she starts making fun of her idiot twin like I did.

While this is happening a woman with pink hair and striking blue eye walks in. She's wearing a suite ( like in the picture, but hair down). Is she some kind of business woman, and she had Rin in tow. Rin was wearing a simple yet professional dress, and was carrying this woman's purse.

"Are the owners here?" The pink haired woman asked.

"Yes, they are," I say as Kaito comes down stairs.

The woman saw this, "excuse me sir, do you mind if I speak with your wife for a moment?"

Kaito, who was normally cheery was staring daggers into this woman, and nodded, keeping his eyes locked on this woman. His eyes were on her even as she walked up the stairs to find Miku.

(First Person POV, Miku-chan)
I was cutting up some leaks to put in dinner for tonight, and I heard a familiar voice. "Miku, why don't we go to another room to talk?"

"L-luka?!" I said, startled at hearing her voice for the first time in 18 years. "What are you doing hear?"

"I just told you I want to talk idiot!" Luka had lost her cool for a second before regaining it, "I have some information that you would find interesting."

"What could you even have to have ever talk to you again?!"

"It's about one of the Bakus."

I froze when she said this, what about Rin or Len? "What about them?"

"You know what happened with the boy after the incident right?" Luka said, then paused, "his incident."

"Yeah, he was banished until he could get enough power to make up for it right?"

"He made a deal! But he's in danger of falling into a situation like yours. "

I didn't say anything, but knew what she meant. Even still Len's situation is different from mine, he has a lot less to lose, but is he willing to lose everything just for someone that won't be able to last as long?

"What do you want me to do about it?" I said, but Luka didn't get a chance to answer as Kaito soon came in.

(First Person POV, (Y/N)-chan)
I can see Rin looking intently at the orange ice cream. "On one hand I get it and be happy, but in the other Ms. Megurine will be angry," Run was muttering to herself, and it evidently seems that the pink haired woman is her employer.

I soon saw Mikuo make that face, he thinks he found another demon, and he's looking at Rin, which means it's her. why does he have to be so stupid? Anyways Kaiko slapped him so hard we could hear it from the counter.

The slap cause Rin to make her decision. "I will have one scoop of the orange ice cream please!"

She then pulled out her wallet out of her pocket to pay. I have her order, "that will be ¢50," I tell her, and she pays accordingly. If you're wondering about the difference in price from Len's ice cream when he got it alone, he had two scoops, the standard at this shop. "Thank you!" She sang then went and sat down.

Just as Ms. Megurine, as Rin has muttered came down. Poor Rin, she just wanted orange flavored ice cream. The pink haired woman sighed and said, "you can keep eating it, but we leave the shop now."

"Yes ma'am," Rin quickly said before getting up. Her boss doesn't seem to always be that understanding.

I then looked and saw Miku and Kaito. Was Miku in tears? Kaiko and Mikuo saw this too. What is going to happen now?

As the two females left, I coulda swore I saw the pink haired woman with nine tails, and Rin was Demon Girl.

(First Person POV, (Y/N)-chan, after work)
As I walked home I found that I couldn't stop thinking about what idiot Mikuo had said. Maybe Len is in fact a demon. Would he be Demon Boy? Who knows?

(First Person POV, Len-kun)
I was following (Y/N) home again, but this time in my human form. I hope no one sees this and calls me a stalker. Although, I feel like I'm being followed.

(Y/N) gets out of sight, and I'm attacked from behind! Gah! What did I even do? Who even is this? Panic is happening.

Then the person speaks. "I know what you are!" It was a male voice. Actually I think it's the voice of Kaiko's brother, heck if I remember his name.

"What, what an I then?" I say, trying not to slip up.

"You're a dream eating demon known as a baku!"

Not good, he knows what I am, and not only that he said the right thing unlike (Y/N). "N-no I'm not. What would give you an idea like that?"

He gets off of me, and pulls out a creepy book. Is this guy obsessed? Obviously he is. "Yes, you are, it's in this creepy book." Gah! That book is creepier than I thought, because he showed me a hand drawn picture of me and Rin in our true forms.

"It's just a creepy book," I say, trying to stay calm, "it might just be a prank made by someone."

"It's not a prank! IT's serious business."

Is this guy stupid or what? I mean he is smart enough to figure out what I actually am, but is he really that stupid as well?

"I'm pretty sure it's a prank that you fully fell to."

"It's not a prank!" The idiot yelled at me, and then proceeds to tell me something that proves further how much of an idiot he is, "I can see demons just like (Y/N), but unlike (Y/N) I have honed my ability, so I can sense right through certain Damon's disguises."

"If I were a demon, you'd have given me ample reason to kill you."

"From my understanding a Baku can only target one person at a time, I'm safe from you, at the expense the (Y/N)'s safety." He then started flipping through the creepy book, I think he was trying to find how to force me into my true form. "Great, I have to take you to (Y/N)'s house to get you in your true form." Looks like he's not as big an idiot as I thought, he's done his research, or maybe it's the creepy book.

He then let me up, no doubt wanting to follow me. I had not choice but continue going to (Y/N)'s place however, because of the deal. I found somewhere to hide so I can get in my true form so I can hopefully loose him.

When I finally got to (Y/N), (he/she/they) were pacing around, clearly troubled. (He/she/they) looked at me.

(First Person POV, (Y/N)-chan, a minute or so be for Len arrives)
I was pacing around my room, thinking about what Mikuo said about Len. It turned into thinking about all the similarities between Len and Demon Boy. They have the same face, the same voice, how they walked is even the same. Len is Demon Boy, isn't he?

That's when he entered my room, and I looked at him, then asked "you're Len, aren't you?" He looked shocked.

A/N: You can also read here:

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