probiotic milk

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" i'll head out for a minute, mom! " a boy said as he bid goodbye to his mom that is cooking in the kitchen, he headed straight to the vast door and grabbed a padded jacket as he didn't want to freeze in the cold

the icy breeze greeted him as soon as he stepped out, he heaved out a exhale and felt the fog, he placed his nearly freezing hands inside his pockets hoping that it'll warm up after some time

he went to a nearby one-stop shop as he craved ramen and probiotic milk in the middle of the night, his felt goosebumps as he held the burning cold metal knob of the glass door, he immediately rubbed his palmed to warm it a bit

he went to the ramen section with variety of noddles to choose from, he picked up the usual and went to open the fridge, before he can even grab the only probiotic milk left he already saw a slender hands holding the small container

" excuse me miss but that's mine " he courtly said but the girl just snarked, " yours? , " and acted like she is scanning the bottle " I don't see your name on it so it's not yours " she said sassily and turned her back

yoonbin then left an irritated chuckle that may or may not somehow scared the girl, he quickly walked after her with bigger steps and held her shoulders to halt her from her tracks

" please give me the milk while i'm still being nice to you " and shot a fake smile, " well then keep being nice " and left again, and same goes on yoonbin tried to catch up once again

" what the fuck is your problem?! " yoonbin exclaimed as he finally lost his temper, he is sleep deprived and is goddarned hungry so he can't help himself but to be irritated

" well looks like you're the one who has a problem " the girl retorted that made yoonbin click his tongue and roll his eyes in frustration, " of course i have a problem, that milk " and pointed the miniature bottle in her hands " is mine "

" like i said I don't see your name written in here so it's not yours "

this girl is really testing my patience and temper
he thought

" look here missy, I don't have any time to deal with your shits and i saw that milk first! " he defended, " but i got ahold of this first, so basically it's mine " and went to the counter

yoonbin heaved out a sigh, only if i'm not craving for one I wouldn't even spare my energy doing this shittery

he also went to the counter, " excuses, do you have any probiotic milk left? " he asked the cashier but the girl just looked at him pitifully, " sorry sir but we already run out of it but you can just go back tomorrow " and gave him a shy smile

" but i really want it now, can't you just give me the last one? " he said in a flirty manner that made the cashier blush, this is his last card to have a chance to drink the milk, the girl beside him just snickered

is he for real? even my grandpa flirts better than him
the girl thought

" i'm sorry sir but even if i want to it's already in her possession but you too can talk it out if she wants to, i'm really sorry " she even bowed and smiled at him apologetically, " it's alright, thank you still " and winked, a suppressed laughter was heard

" is something funny? " yoonbin sassily asked, " no, nothing " and left while still holding herself from laughing at loud with his ugly flirting skills

yoonbin decided to just let it slide since he doesn't have the energy and will to argue with the persistent girl, he sat at a small table outside the store even though it's freezing cold, he quietly ate his ramen and hummed in joy as he felt the hot liquid flowing inside him giving him warmth

he is eating in serenity as he is acting like he is a male lead in a drama, he got interrupted when he saw the girl from earlier squatting down to sit at vacant in from of his while facing him, his brows then furrowed

" hey you want this right? " and waved the milk, " no, just keep it to yourself " and continued eating, " oh cmon! you want this since earlier! " the girl whined, " yes, earlier " , " look here mister, i'll give this to you in one condition " and smirked to herself

her statement made his ears perk up, " what condition? " , " you need to tell my why you really want this " , " just that? " he asked, " uh huh " and nodded

something sure is fishy here

" i am craving ramen and probiotic milk " he plainly said, she stood up and handed the bottle " well then here it is ", yoonbin is about to grab it already but the girl immediately ran

" catch me first! " she yelled while circling around, " wait for me! " he chased after her and coincidentally, snow started pouring

the night was filled with laughter and snow in front the one-stop shop

and that's how a blooming relationship started

thanks to the probiotic milk

[ 💌 : so hey guys uh this is a new thing? genre? or whatever it is for me to write so I don't know if i did a good job or nah 😔 and ironic coz i wrote this while drinking probiotic ]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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