Chapter 2: Powers awakening

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- Adrian's Prov
I woke up in my bedroom and I had an ice pack on my head and a thermometer in my mouth so I sat up and groaned and I heard Mom downstairs so I got up and I remember feeling really sick but now I feel perfect, like, nothing is wrong, I got up from bed and I walked downstairs and saw Mom watching T.V and Dad making me what I can only guess, soup, for me, I reached the floor and the floor creaked so Mom looked behind her and saw me "You're awake! Aaron, Adrian's awake!" Mom exclaimed so Dad stopped what he was doing and ran to me and hugged me tightly and so did Mom "How long was I asleep?" I asked "2 days" Mom answered "2 DAYS!?" I yelled shocked "Adrian, you were seriously sick, we were even considering taking you to the hospital from how sick you were" Dad explained "But I feel perfectly fine now! Nothing seems different" I explained and after I took my temperature with a thermometer, it shows I was fine so I went upstairs because it was morning and Dad dumped the water in the sink from the pot he was using to make me soup and it didn't have anything in it, just water starting to boil then I went up to my room and Alina was told I feel a lot better now and I took the bandaid off where that spider bit me and I saw it was swollen a bit but when I poke it, it doesn't hurt, anyway, as I was putting my glasses on, I saw that I can't see properly because my vision was pretty blurry with them but when I took them off, I could see perfectly and I was so confused "Weird" I said out loud as I put my glasses on my dresser and I looked in the mirror of my room and saw I HAVE A SIX PACK!? and I look like Dad when he doesn't have a shirt on, and yes, he sometimes doesn't wear a shirt for some random reason which I will NEVER know, anyway, I got my uniform for school and after I got dressed, I climbed down the stairs and I leaned on the railing and I put my feet on the ceiling and I ran on the ceiling and I landed on my feet and I have NEVER done THAT before!, "Oh my Irene, Adrian be careful" Mom exclaimed and Dad joked that I was still sick "I told you, I feel so much better" I told them as I grabbed my backpack and put all my books in it "Bye Mom, Bye Dad!" I exclaimed as I was putting my backpack on "Love you both!" I exclaimed "Honey you haven't eaten anything, do you have your lunch money?" Mom asked me "Yep! I got it! And I'll just have a granola bar" I told them then Alina went to the cupboard and pulled out 2 granola bars and tossed both to me and I caught each perfectly "Nice catch!" Alina exclaimed "Thanks! See you at school sis!" I exclaimed as I left and after I ate the granola bars, I was waiting by the bus stop but as the bus got closer, it just passed the stop as usual so I started sprinting after it "HEY! STOP THE BUS!" I yelled tapping the bus "PLEASE STOP!" I yelled but as I tapped the poster on the bus, it stuck to me and I ripped most of it off and I stopped and started trying to get it off "Get off!" I yelled as I was struggling to get this off me then I finally got it off me and I stared at my hand confused because that has never happened before then a car stopped beside me and I saw it was Mom and Dad's close friend Garroth! then he rolled the window down "Hey Adrian!" Garroth greeted "Hey Gar! What's up?" I asked "I saw your bus skipping you again, need a lift?" Garroth asked "Yes please" I replied and I got in the car and after a little drive, he was out front in the school driveway "Thanks for the lift Garroth" I thanked Garroth and after I opened the door, I TORE IT OFF!?! I stared shocked at Garroth and the door stuck to my hand "Oh, not again!" I yelled trying to get the door off because I keep sticking to it! after a while of trying to get it off, I FINALLY got it off "I am so very sorry Garroth! I swear, I don't know what's going on with me! I promise I'll pay for the damage" I promised Garroth and the bell rang I ran to the school as Garroth was about to say something then after all these boring classes because I'm a straight A+ student, it was finally lunch and I was eating what I ordered and I saw Alina walking past me as Jayden was eating beside me but then I just felt like a tingly feeling and I just felt like Alina was gonna slip on spilled orange juice AND I WAS RIGHT!? I then spun and caught her and I caught her tray and her lunch landed harmlessly on the tray as I was making sure none of her food fell to the floor WHAT THE HELL!? I'VE NEVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE DONE ANYTHING LIKE THAT BEFORE!! "Wow! Outstanding reflexes little bro!" Alina exclaimed "Thanks" she thanked me "No problem sis, and thanks for the compliment" I thanked her for the compliment and she looked closer at me "Hey, your not wearing your glasses" she told me "Yeah, I don't need them anymore apparently" I told her confused and I gave her her lunch and helped her stand up and she went to sit with her friends and I sat back down properly and sighed "Dude, how did you do that!?" Jayden whispered amazed to me "I don't know!" I replied then I looked at my hand and saw my fork was sticking to me "Ugh! Not again!" I exclaimed as I started shaking the fork to try getting it off me then I grabbed it but it just stuck to me like glue and I am SO confused why this is happening to me then I got that tingly feeling again and felt like someone was gonna catapult their sloppy joes at me so I leaned to the side AND I WAS RIGHT AGAIN!? then my school bully named Kevin got hit by it and sat there shocked and I just knew he was gonna blame me so I quickly got up and started heading to my locker and I examined my hand with the spider bite and I am freaking out right now because I have no idea what's happening to me and I don't like it so as I was putting in the combination for the lock on my locker, I felt that tingly feeling YET AGAIN, I felt like someone was gonna try punching me in the back of my head so I leaned to the right AND I WAS RIGHT, AGAIN!? I saw that Kevin tried punching me and I dodged it and he punched my locker and dented it so I started backing up and he got closer to me "Think your pretty funny, don't you freak?" Kevin asked me "Says the jerk who won't grow up and start being mature from bullying me, I didn't do anything!" I told him "Kevin it was only an accident!" Alina yelled at Kevin "And I saw who did it, it wasn't my brother now stop thinking of pathetic excuses to bully Adrian!" Alina demanded "My fist breaking this pathetic kid's teeth, that's the accident" said Kevin "Kevin stop NOW!" Alina demanded in her alpha tone "I don't wanna fight you Kevin but I will if I have to" I warned Kevin trying to sound tough "I wouldn't wanna fight me either" he told me then he put his fists up and I sighed then he threw a punch at me but he moved in slow motion which is really weird, he would be punching me comet like fast, I leaned sideways and backwards and dodged it and he tried punching me again but I kept somehow dodging him then he tried punching me with his arm but I limboed dodging it, WAIT WHAT!? I LIMBOED!? I stared shocked at my sister as she stared shocked at me because NONE of this is happening to me by myself, my body is just reacting, I'm not doing this! I got back up after everyone saw how I dodged Kevin "Help him Bryan!" Alina yelled at her boyfriend to help me then I got that tingly feeling again like some wuss was gonna help Kevin so I just trusted that tingly feeling because so far, it hasn't failed me yet so I jumped AND I DID A QUADRUPLE BACKFLIP!?! I landed perfectly on my feet! then I stared at them just as shocked as they are then I put my fists up in a stance Alina decided to teach me "He's all yours man" Kevin's friend told Kevin then he pushed him out of the way and he started throwing so many punches at me but I dodged them all then he threw a punch at the left side of my head so I blocked it and he tried punching me in the other side of my head and I blocked that too then he tried punching my stomach but this time I grabbed his arm then started squeezing it and he started screaming in pain as we all heard cracking from his arm "SCREW OFF!!" I screamed as I punched him in the chest AND I SENT HIM FLYING!? I'M NOT EVEN NEAR BEING THAT STRONG! Kevin then slid on the floor and slammed into the lockers on the opposite side of the school and everyone was cheering for me but everyone else was calling me a freak and telling Kevin to get up "He got exactly what he deserved" I told everyone trying to be confident but now? after all that? I'm HORRIFIED at what's happening to me!!! I ran away from the school and down town to hide because of how scared I was, I need to find out what the hell is happening to me AND FAST!.

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