miles ; [mornings]

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[short & fluffy]

i woke up to feeling miles' arms around my waist, gripping it protectively. fluttering my eyelids, i turned around, allowing him to loosen his grip from me.

"hey baby, how'd you sleep?" he asked, pressing his chest up againist mine, leaving little to no space between us. "i slept great, thanks." i smiled, "how about you?" i put a hand over his playing with his fingers, caressing them ever so slowly.

"i slept okay, i guess." he shrugged, as we both looked each other in the eyes, before miles leaned in pressing a kiss to my lips.

i put my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

we made out slowly, our lips moving in sync together.

i moved my hands from his neck to his curls, running my hands through them slowly.

i shut my eyes, as i felt miles smile, and then we both pulled away gently, and looked into each other's eyes for a minute before miles broke the silence.

"you know i love you, right?" miles looked at me cupping my cheek. "yes yes, i love you too, asshole." i chuckled, pecking his cheek one last time before stretching, and getting out of bed.

before i could get up, miles wrapped his hands around my waist, picking me up bridal style.

"nope. you don't get away that easy, princess. let's go take a shower then we'll have breakfast, yeah?" he booped my nose, as he carried me into his washroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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