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Nialls first reaction to Louis falling into the water was save him, as anybody else's reaction would be.

But after a second thought, he decided that this could work better for him.

Before much time could be wasted, he hurried over to the tub and heaved the other omega up by his arm pits, settling him against the grippy back of the tub so he could wouldn't fall again.

By this point Louis was already awake again, his eyes blood shot and slick still leaking out of his hole.

"I just need you to stay still and I'm going to clean you" Niall said soothingly. It might not seem like a big deal that he was dirty, because he was in heat and it wouldn't matter anyways. Wrong.

It was actually very bad for an omega to be dirty during their heat. The smell of sweat and cum could stay permanently on them or it could destroy the natural oils of their skin, making them all dry and crusty.

It had happened before and it would happen again, but not under Nialls watch.

The blond haired omega made quick work of taking off Louis' shirt, of course asking consent first because even if he was an omega, it had happened before and it was still something to be aware of.

Of course Louis had nodded yes. He was hot and extra clothing was irritating him.

Next Niall peeled off the purple and white striped socks, which Louis cried about, saying they Niall was taking away his 'stripeys' and that the meanie head deserves a splash of water, which he received.

Niall had no clue what was happening. Obviously in heat an omegas state if mind was different but Louis seemed to have gone back to a younger age within his head. Almost like a little space but Niall doubted he would still be in it when his heat was over.

"I'm going to take your pants off okay Louis? We can leave your undies on and it will be good enough okay?" Niall said, his pale hands inching towards the waist of the soaking wet sweatpants.

Louis just rolled his head back, the need for physical contact overwhelming.

An entire two hours later Louis was done bathing.

Niall was covered in soap, slick(though not his own) and water. The bathroom in itself didn't look to good either.

Louis seemed to have regressed more in age, blubbering nonsense and splashing around in the tub so much that Niall resorted to grabbing the rubber duckies they had for when Harry's sister Gemma came over with her kids to distract him.

"Can'ts makes me!" Louis screeched, pawing at the air like a cat when Niall tried to heave him out of the bathtub.

"Louis last name, God I don't even know your last name and suddenly I'm helping you through heat" Niall groaned. "Would you stop moving?"

Of course, with Nialls not so lucky Irish luck, Louis started crying.

"Bein' so mean!" He wailed, now flapping his arms as if he was about to fly away.

Niall just groaned, dragging the overheated and naked omega into his room, heaving him up onto the bed.

"I'm going to go grab some clean clothes okay? Stay here" Niall spoke slowly.

Without another word, Niall bolted out of the room and into his own, grabbing some more clothes then darting back.

He sighed in relief that Louis was still on the bed, bouncing on the edge of the bed, wetting it with slick.

Niall had never seen this before. Usually omegas were craving the touch of an alpha or touching themselves for relief, but this one wasn't doing any of that.

He was leaking slick and most definitely was an omega by the smell, but he wasn't trying to touch himself or beg for an alpha.

Instead he was acting like a four year old boy and bouncing around on the bed.

"Can you put the clothes on by yourself?" Niall asked, gesturing to the pile in his hands.

"To hots for wothes" Louis babbled, falling back into the bed, his hard cock bouncing but he didn't seem to notice nor care.

"I jus-you have to- and I don't- arghhhh" Niall grumbled.

"Fine" He said pettily, crossing his arms. "You can lay there and wallow in your own slick, but be prepared because you're taking another bath tonight wether you like it or not" he said, walking out and quietly closing the door behind him.

When no more noise came from the other side, Niall let out a shaky breath, walking away from the door to go grab his phone.

"Hi Li! No it's all fine here but I still wouldn't come back for another week or two" Niall said into the phone after he dialed Liams number.

"I vote we just take him back to where we found him. He's not our problem in the first place"'Niall heard one of his alphas grumble in the background making him gasp.

"How could you suggest that? Are you sick in the head or just stupid? If we let him go you know as well as I do what would happen! You really want to bring that up right now? After I-I told you wha-what ha-ha-hap-hap-" Niall started hyperventilating, his breathing coming out in short gasps as memories overtook him.

"No, Ni babe that's not what he meant-"

"I have to go" Niall wheezed out, hanging up the phone as his eyes filled with tears and his hands started shaking.

He tried to get up from the floor, only to fall back down to the ground, crumbling into a shaking heap of tears and sadness.

He laid there for maybe five minutes before he heard  the soft sound of feet walking towards him, only lasting a second before an overheated body was draped on top of him, spooning him from above.

"No tears" Louis mumbled, gently wiping the tears off of Nialls face.

"No tears for the pretty one" he said a bit louder, nuzzling his face into Nialls, closing his eyes as his breathing evened out.

Niall barely slept that night, the kitchen floor not being an ideal place to do so, but when he finally did, he gave in and ended up turning a bit to the side, letting himself lay on his back while Louis was draped across with front, cuddling up to the omegas warmth for the rest of the night.

Was that a good chapter? I don't know if my chapters are good because nobody comments on anything.

So please comment! You don't even have to vote because the chapter probably sucked but a few words would be nice once in a while

I just published this but a comment brought me back, I was wrong and I'm pretty sure they're are comments on either chapter two or three that I completely forgot about. I'm kinda stupid so sorry to those kind people that left nice words! You guys are amazing!

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