Chapter 38

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August 17,2019

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August 17,2019

"This night is gonna be a bomb"Addie said as she jump up and down on her sister's bed as Noelle do her hair in her vanity.

"Well it already is"Quinn grinned flipping her hair to the side as as E high fived her.

"You know,I think Harry loves us more than you"Wesley joked as he sat on the floor.

"He definitely loves us"Adelaide said as she put her hair in a ponytail.

Noelle just scoffed at them as they laugh at their sister.

"I miss Ariana though"Addie said making Wesley sing One Last Time at the top of his lungs making Noelle laugh at them.

Then the all of them sang together so loudly while dancing around before breaking out into some giggles.After some laughter,Noelle stood up fixing her clothes as the others catch their breath making E laughed at them.

"Come on,lets go"Noelle chuckled at them before they got up from their positions.

Then the all of them went of out of her room and went downstairs to join the "adults".When they got there,their parents are talking to Harry with A in his arms and Sarah,Mitch and Adam who Harry brought.

"Cant believe we're bringing A and E though"Addie pouted thinking that they might lose their sister and brother in the sea of people.

"E might be clinging to me all night so I think we're good"Quinn shrugged holding E's hand before looking at A who is playing with Harry's hair.

"Thats why we need to be alarmed" Noelle said knowing so well that they can handle A and E as they walk to the kitchen.

As soon as they stepped in the kitchen,A saw Noelle making her squirm in Harry's arm before he let her down smiling.

"Star"Avri called as Noelle opened her arms.

"Hi A"Noelle grinned scooping her up in her arms before walking towards Harry,"hey"

Harry smiled kissing her head before they look at her parents who is talking to the boys.

"Alright you four"Robert look at the siblings as the siblings look back at him,"I expect you not to lose A and E"

"Why would we lose them?"Addie scoffed as A just looked at him unamused before muttering a sorry as Harry chuckled.

"You almost lost A when you and dad drove her to daycare"Quinn looked at Addie before exclaiming, "who in the world lose their own sister?"

All the orders in the room laughed at Quinn as Addie grumbled and mocked her sister for it.

"Make sure she wont run away"Susan added

"I wont,mummy"Avri wrap her arms around Noelle's neck making her sister smile.

"I'm a big boy, I won't run away too"Exton grinned looking at his parents as Robert high five him.

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